Thomas Meunier in a party


Thomas Meunier adds to the criticisms against UEFA

Published:24/06/2021 - 00:21h

Updated:24/06/2021 - 00:29h

The Belgian defender has added to the criticisms against the directors of the UEFA afterwards that these rejected to light with the colours of the arcoíris the Allianz Sand

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Belgian defence, Thomas Meunier, directed some strong critical against the UEFA afterwards that said entity announced that it would not access to that the Allianz Sand of Munich lit with the flag arcoíris in support to the lobby LGTBIQ for the party between Germany and Hungary, to the time in that it criticised the conservatism inside the world futbolístico.

"Desaconsejaría To the homosexual footballers go out of the cupboard because the people is stupid. The mentalities have not developed on this subject. Even in the breast of some teams, know to players that would refuse to play with some that had gone out of the cupboard. It is frightful so, better that the situation remain as it is, by the welfare of the person", declared the footballer to the press.

The Belgian defender, and that it is part of the staff of the Borussia Dortmund and before was part of the PSG, also launched several darts to the authorities of the UEFA in press conference for preventing that the stadium of Munich light with the flag arcoíris like answer to the law approved by the Hungarian parliament that, between other things, forbids to teach on the homosexuality in the schools.

"We are in the 21st century. The mediaeval ideas already had his time. It is regrettable what is sucediendo with the UEFA in this moment. Those that decide put orejeras. You do not go to change the things putting a poster of 'no to the racism' in the bands of the field. It is necessary to react. I think that many have fear to wet . For me it is necessary to change the things", said the Belgian player, of 29 years.

It has not been the only

Meunier Has not been the only that criticised the posture of the authorities of the entity of European football. The past Monday, the leading Norwegian of the Barcelona, Caroline Graham, loaded against the directors of the UEFA by the measure in his account of Twitter. "It would have to give him shame to the UEFA to the not allowing that Munich light the state with the colours arcoíris. Can do it better that call it an action with political motivation. It is a question of equality, humanity and resistance to the hate!", it expressed.

What said the UEFA

Through a communiqué, the authorities of the UEFA explained the causes of his negative reiterating his neutral character in what to religion and politics refers . "The UEFA, through his statutes, is a political organisation and religiosamente neutral. Given the political context of this specific application - a message headed to a decision taken by the Hungarian national parliament - the UEFA has to refuse this application", cleared.