Al-Khelaïfi, beside Florentino Pérez


Al-Khelaïfi 'charges' against the Superliga of Madrid, Barça and Juventus

Published:30/05/2021 - 17:37h

Updated:31/05/2021 - 02:12h

Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, president of PSG and ECA, has criticized the Superliga project led by Madrid, Barça and Juventus

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Nasser To the-Khelaïfi is one of the sheiks of the football and one of the most powerful men of the world of the sport. It is the maximum mandator of the Paris Saint-Germain and of the ECA and never remains quiet when it does not agree with something or wants to defend his position (with Neymar Jr and Mbappé has been more than evident), by what has gone out to condemn totally the project of the Superliga European.

It has showed very against of the idea of the new tournament that the Real Madrid, FC Barcelona and the Juventus lead because, in his opinion, do not guarantee the dreams of the most modest clubs of the old continent. Like this it has confessed it he same in some statements to 'AFP', aiming that the Superliga does not have to go on.

To the-Khelaïfi has aimed that "the football exists after a lot of years and the Superliga did not defend deep down and really the interests of the fans. Can study changes but not breaking with the tradition by which any team can reach his dreams", has left clear the maximum mandator of the PSG.

To his time, has reported that it treats of an enclosed tournament that does not have to carry out by his format of fifteen clubs founders, that would participate year after years, and five invited that they would contest these squares. "All the teams have to have the option to participate some day in the most important competition and all under the wing of the UEFA", aseveró.

The Champions needs changes

Although it confessed that it is totally against of the creation of the Superliga European, yes is conscious that the current Champions League needs changes to be able to modernizarse and adapt to the current economic situation, very complicated after the irruption of the pandemia of the coronavirus.

The president of the PSG has said that "the Campions League is a very solid mark that it has to guarantee, but have to adapt us all to the new market, so much in the international competitions like the national", sentenced.