Indonesian police trying to contain Arema FC fans


Tragedy in Indonesia: Tángana in the local league leaves more than 170 dead

Published:2/10/2022 - 12:11h

Updated:3/10/2022 - 00:38h

The number of people killed as a result of the brawl unleashed at the end of the match between Arema FC and Persebaya Subaraya amounts to 174. And they may increase in the coming hours. Tragedy gripped Indonesian football

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The terror and the barbarism apoderaron the Saturday of the stadium Kanjuruhan of the city of Malang in the province of Java Oriental, Indonesia. A party between the Arema FC and the Persebaya Subaraya (2-3) ended in tragedy after cientos of fans invaded the field and confronted with the local police, generating massive stampedes and a rain of gases lacrimógenos that have left a balance of at least 174 died and around 200 injured.

As it explained the boss of police of Java Oriental, Nico Afinta, a total of 34 fans of the Arema died in the grandstands by asphyxia in front of the avalanche of people in the grandstands and the collapse of the exits of the stadium. The attack with gas lacrimógeno and the agglomeration in the grandstands facilitated the fatal denouement "in a full space of people that caused difficulty to breathe by the fault of oxygen", detailed Afinta.

In accordance with the civil servant, two policemen explain between the victims and the majority of the people died perished in the hospitals to which were moved. The tángana produced at the end of the designated 'Super derby east of Java'. The rivalry between the Arema and the Persebaya is one of the strongest of the League 1 of Indonesia and, clearly, the device of security for the party of the Saturday fracasó.

The venues had attained to equalise before the rest the initial disadvantage of two so many with doublet of the guinean Abel Camará, but the Japanese Sho Yamamoto advanced again to the Persebaya in the complement to put the 2-3 definite. After the pitazo final in the minute 9 of the addition desató the pandemónium in the grandstands and the invasion of more than 3.000 fanatical of the Arema finish with clashes, first, between ultras and players of the local group and, afterwards, with the police.

The Indonesian government recognises errors in security

In front of the gravity of the sucedido, the Indonesian president, Joko Widodo, manifested "his more felt condolencias" and requested "an exhaustive evaluation of the execution of the football matchs and of the procedures of security for his celebration", as well as an investigation for "averiguar in depth" the events in Malang that produced one of the most mortal tragedies in the history of the world-wide football.

By his part, the executive director of International Amnesty Indonesia, Usman Hamid, signalled the error of the local police to control the riots caused by the ultras of the Arema FC. "The gas lacrimógeno only has to use to disperse crowds when it has produced a violence generalised and when other methods have failed. Has to warn to the people that will use gas lacrimógeno and allow that it disperse ", puntualizó Hamid.

The FIFA, in fact, forbids the use of this type of gases inside the stadiums. The Saturday, in the stadium Kanjuruhan ingresaron more than 42.000 people, when his maximum capacity allowed is of 38.000 fans. LaLiga Communicated that all the remaining parties of the day 7 will save a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the tragedy. The own did the FC Barcelona with a message in his account of Twitter.