

Tragedy in Mexico: Brawl in the Querétaro-Atlas leaves multiple deaths

Published:6/03/2022 - 17:58h

Updated:6/03/2022 - 17:59h

The match between Querétaro and Atlas was suspended in the 61st minute due to a pitched battle in the stands of the La Corregidora stadium. Clashes between local and visiting fans left an unofficial balance of 17 dead

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Mexican football lived one of the more shameful and regrettable days of his history in the afternoon of the Saturday 5 March 2022. A scuffle in the grandstands of the stadium The Corregidora of Querétaro derived in a bloody battle campal go in inflate of the Querétaro and the Atlas, leaving an unofficial balance of 17 died. The authorities of the city have not confirmed until the moment any victim after the incidents, but the videos that circulate in the social networks have evidenciado the gravity of the sucedido.

In the next hours, the quantity of deaths could increase, since varied inflate of the Atlas find hospitalizados in grave state. Near of the hour of game, fanatical of the Atlas and of the Querétaro began to strike in the popular grandstand. The device of security of the stadium was unable to contain to the peat in the terracings and, in front of the invalid police presence, the fanatical of the Atlas, surpassed widely in quantity, jumped to the field to escape of the stampede.

In the minute 61, the referee Fernando Guerrero suspended the party because of the chaos in the grandstands. Atlas won 0-1 with a goal of the Argentinian forward Julio César Furch in the minute 28. The same Furch was the first in warning the invasion of field by part of the public visitor to the main judge. The players of the Atlas and the referee's body left to the changing rooms, while some players of the 'roosters' tried to calm, without success, to his fanatical. The chaos was total and while whole families ran to put to save, inflate radicals of both teams masacraron in the grandstands.

The ones of the Querétaro took advantage of the superiority and attacked without mercy to fanatical visitors and effective of security of the stadium that tried to contain the barbarism. Tens of videos shared in the social networks, mainly in Twitter, denoted the gravity of the events. Blood and destruction satisfied the terracings and the accesses to the grandstands and to the field of The Corregidora, a stadium marked by the vandalism and the violence of fanatical maddened that at all they have to see with the football.

The League MX promise hard sanctions and no descarta desafiliar to the clubs

In a video published in the social networks of the League MX, Mike Arriola, president of the competition, described as Inadmissible and regrettable the violence in the stadium the Corregidora of Querétaro. "It will punish ejemplarmente to the managers by the absence of security in the stadium. The security of our players and fans is priority", said the mandator, the one who in an interview to the chain 'ESPN' added that the desafiliación of both clubs is a possibility.

"Definitely, this will have to arrive to these instances (the desafiliación). The clubs are the managers of the relation with the bars. And if these bars go further of the agreements that have with the clubs, existing already antecedents, this aggravates the responsibility of the involved. No only it is analysing the status of the own stadium. Has to review the relation that has the club with the League and the club with his groups of animation", said Arriola in the program 'Spicy Football' ESPN Mexico.

The version of the authorities and the desinformación

Although the three remaining parties of the day of the Saturday contested the normality, the League, as it was to expect , suspended the rest of the day 9 pautada for the Sunday. For the moment, both clubs issued communicated condemning the sucedido, but without clearing the state of the victims. The Coordination of Civil defence of the State of Querétaro only issued a report the Saturday, without victims confirmed: "22 people lesionadas, 9 of them moved to the General Hospital and of these, two of them of gravity", affirmed the institution.

By his part, the governor of the state of Querétaro, Mauritius Kuri, moved to the General Hospital of the place to confirm the sucedido. The civil servant neither confirmed fatal victims. In this regard, the journalist Mauritius Pedroza of the chain 'ESPN', quoted to a director of the 'white Roosters': "If they report died inside or around the stadium, there is a penal responsibility-civilian for the team and the League. If they report died, will say that they died in the hospital", said Pedroza.

The investigations in the next hours, days and weeks will try esclarecer the sucedido. If it confirms the gravity of the images spread through the social networks, the Mexican football could suffer unprecedented sanctions by part of the FIFA, including the desafiliación international of his clubs and the suspension of the selections of Mexico for the next international tournaments, between them the Glass of the World of Catar. Thus, the authorities of the football and the legal institutions will be very accurate in the official "version" of the facts. The images already have given the turn to the world. A tragedy of such magnitude can not remain impune and has to seat a precedent to avoid similar situations in the future, no only in Latin America, but all over the world of the sport.