Antoine Griezmann and Riqui Puig imitate to a player of golf / Photo: @FCBarcelona


The last trolling of the Barcelona to Gareth Bale and to the Real Madrid

Published:5/02/2021 - 00:49h

Updated:5/02/2021 - 00:49h

Through Twitter, the Barcelona published a message in which parody to Gareth Bale and to his fixation with the golf and to that flag showed with the selection of Wales

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Gareth Bleat does not leave to be news, but lamentably no by a good exert in thefield , but by a message in Twitter published by the Barcelona for trolear to the Real Madrid and to the "express of Cardiff" by his increasing fixation with the golf, like this by that flag showed in a party with the selection of Wales.

Firstly, the Barcelona published a message in his account of Twitter where said the following: "Barça, Traced back, Golf. In this order", said the tuit where sees a photo of Antoine Griezmann and Riqui Puig imitating to a player of golf. The referred text, does reference to a flag that showed Bleat when finalising a party with the selection of Wales that defined his pass to the Eurocopa 2020 that said the following: "Wales, Golf, Madrid, in this order". This occurred in November of the 2019.

In his moment, the flag showed by the "express of Cardiff" generated a lot of annoyance. Although the agent of Bleat, Jonathan Barnett answered in front of the press to refuse the criticisms: "it Went allocated to the means". With regard to the doubts of his commitment with the merengues by this flag said that "it is more than ridiculous".

However, the Barcelona deleted the referred tuit of the that still can situate some captures. Later, it published another message with the same photography, but with a totally different text. "This moment". Up to now, the footballer gales has not issued statements in this regard, neither the directive of the Real Madrid or any of his players.

From the moment in that it Bleat went back news for showing that flag until the day of today has happened more than a year. At present, his situation is quite complicated. The Welsh was yielded to the Tottenham by the Madrid and in the team of the Spurs no longer want it in his staff. Recently, TheTimes , a half English, revealed that the Tottenham does not contemplate a second season of Gareth Bleat.

The situation of Gareth Bleat

It added the referred half that "remain with Bleat would be simply a gesture to help to one of his heroes of the past", but 34 million gross euros by season by Bleat does not compensate him to the Tottenham by his scarce contribution in each party that has played. It bleat only it has played 46% ciento of the parties with the Tottenham (15 of the 32), of them only one has played it complete, has marked four goals and does not arrive to the 1.000 minutes contested. That would be one of the reasons by which Mourinho is annoying with him, and even affirmed that it will not give him minutes neither to him neither to any player that do not show to give his 100%.

"I can not give minutes. The minutes on the lawn is something that can not give, will be still in this line. All know the difficulties that had during a pair of seasons. All know that it arrived lesionado, all know that even this season is a bit up and down in small things", explained the Portuguese to the press the past 25 January. "The most important for him is to be consistent in the trainings, to high intensity without any problem, and when a player is consistent in the trainings then the player is smart, no to receive minutes but to win minutes. This is something distinct", added the ex mister of the Real Madrid. Aunado To this, in the Madrid the situation is not so different. Bleat and Zidane have a relation broken and that was one of the reasons that it was yielded to the Tottenham.