The legend of the Manchester United, Gary Neville, had a brief go through the Spanish football like trainer of Valencia in the season 2015/16. After a campaign with negative results, that included the stood out defeat by 7-0 in front of the FC Barcelona in the Camp Nou, was sacked of the charge. Although that was his only experience like technical director, the ex defender remembers it like one of the worst of his path.

In the podcast 'Stick to Football', Neville shared some of the bad experiences that lived during his stage like strategist valencianista. "After a pair of months in the work in Valencia, memory that looked me to the mirror a morning and thought that it saw me ill. I did not work the sufficient, was not prepared, went a favour to Peter Lim", confessed the English.

The hard anecdote with Luis Enrique

Besides, it remembered an anecdote with Luis Enrique, the then trainer of the Barcelona, in which this not even gave him the hand when finalising a party. "We lost 7-0. When they won 5-0, it did not substitute neither to Neymar neither to Messi neither to Luis Suárez, and at the end of the party, happened beside me and did not give me the hand. I felt that it was sending me a message that it was not where had to be", declared Neville.

Gary Neville also suffered with Valverde

Also it referred to another ex trainer blaugrana, Ernesto Valverde, against the one who confronted in several occasions and felt entirely inferior. "Memory that play thrice against the Athletic Club and Ernesto Valverde was the trainer. It used a different system to the that I expected and afterwards changed it during the party. Memory have thought that it was not neither near of his level. I felt me enormously inferior to him because it cost me control and see the game from the band", finalised.