Aleksander Ceferin And company do not stop to contrive plans for 'revolutionise' the football, but between them is not the Superliga European that the FC Barcelona, Real Madrid and Juventus support. In England, 'The Times' has desvelado that the UEFA is preparing to reveal his last proposal to replace the rules of the 'Fair Play' financial for the European teams, with a limit salarial and taxes of luxuries, very to the style of the way by which governs the National Football League (NFL) and National Basketball League (NBA) in United States.
The 'Fair Play' financial has been one of the big headaches of the teams, since it establishes that the clubs have to reach the break-even point during a period of three years. Now, if finally it produces this change, the teams that participate in the European competitions could spend a fixed percentage of his income, that would be 70%, in wages. If they surpassed it, as 'The Times' would not be expelled, but they would have to pay a to tax of luxury that would go directly to the bottoms of the UEFA.
This excedente would be used to deliver it in the rest of the clubs, "strengthening like this his possibilities and equalising the half level", as it has informed the British newspaper. It would be a radical change that reaffirms the intention of Aleksander Ceferin of 'modernizar' the European football with the North American systems. Like this, would be retorting, or approaching to as it is the model of the NBA, the best league of basketball of the planet.
Like this it works the NBA
In the NBA facilitates the equality between the franchises. In this sense, the teams can pay some quantity to his players although this does not depend on the income, but the same for all. Besides, they can not exceed of the mount, save to exceptions that study with a lot of detenimiento. 'ACE' remembers that it is very natural that exceed the marked limits and have to confront to pay taxes that engage his franquicas.