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Van Gaal defends Xavi Hernández and leaves a 'stick' to the Barça board

Published:9/06/2024 - 11:35h

Updated:10/06/2024 - 00:26h

Louis van Gaal spoke about the departure of Xavi Hernández from FC Barcelona in a chat with 'SKY Sports'. For the former Dutch coach, the pressure to win in the Blaugrana team, as in other big teams, is excessive

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The exit of Xavi Hernández of the FC Barcelona follows causing diverse opinions in the world of the football. The last in referring to the rugged dismissal of the egarense was Louis go Gaal, the one who defended to the of Terrassa remembering his go through the club. During a homage to another ex Barcelona trainer, Bobby Robson, the Dutch left a 'stick' to the directive and to the club by his form to handle the sportive projects.

"In the Barcelona have to achieve good results. In my two first years won the championship. In the third arrived to the semifinals of the Champions, but was not sufficient. You are forced to win. This type of clubs are like this", argued the experienced Dutch trainer, already withdrawn of the benches. They go Gaal did to debut to Xavi in the 1998/99, season in which the Barça was champion.

They go Gaal desmarca of the obligation to win in the Barça

In this sense, the one of Ámsterdam added: "Perhaps it is well (the obligation to win), but I do not think it. Bobby Robson had a successful year and changed of functions inside the club. This neither was logical", explained the ex seleccionador Dutch. In this regard, it remembered the role and the support of the English trainer, with the one who worked in his first season in the Barça.

"I was his successor in the bench of the Barça. It could have angered with me when it was relocated like technical secretary, but offered me his help and was to my side. It was a fantastic man, very hard-working. I do not say it because it no longer was, but because I think it for real", puntualizó Go Gaal in his talk with 'SKY Sports'. Louis returned to Barcelona in 2002, but was sacked in January after a toneless first-half of course where the team was a 'machine' in Champions, but left 13° in League.

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