The English football can begin an authentic 'civil war' the next week by the wrap that it comes dragging the Manchester City product of his supposed rapes to the financial norms of the Premier League. In accordance with 'The Times', the club expects to put end to the designated 'Norms of Transactions with Parts Associated' (APT, by his acronyms in English), in addition to accusing to the league "by damages and perjuries".

In this sense, the English newspaper ensures that the actions that will execute the club next Monday 10 June "could alter drastically the panorama of the professional football and have a significant impact on the 115 supposed infringements of the City, committed between 2009 and 2023, to the regulations and financial norms of the Premier League". The justice will dictate his failure in the summer of 2025 on the possible rapes of the group 'sky blue' to the 'Fair Play' English, but the club does not want to expect until then and already has smart his legal offensive.

The arguments of the City to ask a substantial change in the financial rule

According to the information filtered by 'The Times', the City bases his legal offensive in that the "democratic system of the league" gives an immoderate power to a majority conformed by 14 of the 20 teams of the tournament. Besides, the group 'cityzen' considers that the mentioned Norms APT, which went in in force in December of 2021, "are restrictivas and anticompetitivas".

By his part, the majority of clubs of the Premier see with worry the decision of the City, since in case to win his demand will give freedom to the clubs multimillionaires to spend boundless quantities in signings each season. The another splits of the legal battle undertaken by the conjoint property of the Abu Dhabi United Group has to see with the "damages and perjuries" suffered when signalling them to violate the 'Fair Play' financial from the arrival of his current owners in the summer of 2009.