Atlético de Madrid and FC Barcelona face each other on Sunday, March 16, 2025, starting at 9:00 PM CET in Matchday 28 of the 2024/25 EA Sports LaLiga. Below, we explain when and where to watch the match live and online in Spain, Europe, America, Africa and Asia, with access from your mobile, tablet, computer or Smart TV.

🇪🇸 When and where to watch Atlético Madrid vs. Barcelona in Spain

  • 🗓️ Date: Sunday, March 16, 2025
  • ⏰ Time: 9:00 PM (local time)
  • 🏟️ Where is the game played?: Estadio Riyadh Air Metropolitano (Madrid, Spain)

Canales de TV y Streaming

  • 🔵 DAZN LALIGA (Dial 55 de Movistar y Dial 0113 de Orange TV)
  • 🔴 DAZN LALIGA 2 (Dial 58 de Movistar, señal multicámara, y Dial 0274 de Orange TV)
  • 🟢 LALIGA TV BAR (Dial 300 de Movistar, canal exclusivo locales públicos)
  • 🟡Online: App de DAZN (disponible en móviles, tablets, ordenadores y Smart TV)

In addition, various international TV and streaming platforms offer live streaming of the match through their channels in all countries of the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa.

When and where to watch Atlético Madrid vs. Barcelona on America

You can watch it live online in North America, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America at the following times and TV channels.

Country Countries Times Channels
Antigua y Barbuda 04:00 PM Internet
Argentina 05:00 PM DGO, DIRECTV Sports
Bahamas 03:00 PM DIRECTV Sports
Barbados 04:00 PM DIRECTV Sports
Belice 02:00 PM Internet
Bolivia 04:00 PM Tigo
Brasil 05:00 PM Disney+
Canadá 03:00 PM TSN
Chile 05:00 PM DGO, DIRECTV Sports
Colombia 03:00 PM DGO, DIRECTV Sports
Costa Rica 02:00 PM Sky
Cuba 03:00 PM Tele Rebelde
Ecuador 03:00 PM DGO, DIRECTV Sports
El Salvador 02:00 PM Sky
USA EST 15:00, CST 14:00, MST 13:00, PST 12:00 ESPN
Granada 04:00 PM Internet
Guatemala 02:00 PM Sky
Guyana 05:00 PM Internet
Haití 03:00 PM Canal+
Honduras 02:00 PM Sky
Jamaica 03:00 PM Internet
México 02:00 PM Sky
Nicaragua 02:00 PM Sky
Panamá 03.00 PM Sky
Paraguay 05:00 PM Internet
Perú 03:00 PM DGO, DIRECTV Sports
Rep. Dominicana 04.00 PM Sky
Trinidad y Tobago 04:00 PM DIRECTV Sports
Uruguay 05:00 PM DGO, DIRECTV Sports
Venezuela 04:00 PM DGO, DIRECTV Sports


🇪🇺 When and where to watch Atlético Madrid vs. Barcelona in Europe

In Europe, the match can be followed live at the following times and on TV channels:

Country Countries Times Channels
Albania 21.00 Super Sport
Alemania 21.00 DAZN
Andorra 21.00 TVE La 1, TV3, ZAP
Austria 21.00 DAZN
Bélgica 21.00 DAZN
Bielorrusia 23:00 Setanta Sport
Bosnia Herzegovina 21.00 Arena Sport
Bulgaria 22:00 Max Sport
República Checa 21.00 Nova Sport
Chipre 22:00 Primetel
Croacia 21.00 Arena Sport
Dinamarca 21.00 TV2 Sport X
Eslovaquia 21.00 Nova Sport
Eslovenia 21.00 Arena Sport
Estonia 22:00 Setanta Sport
Finlandia 22:00 C-More
Francia 21.00 beIN Sports
Reino Unido 20:00 Premier Sports, LaLiga TV
Grecia 22:00 Nova Sports
Países Bajos 21.00 Ziggo Sport
Hungría 21.00 Spíler2 TV
Italia 21.00 DAZN
Irlanda 20:00 Premier Sports, LaLiga TV
Islandia 20:00 Internet
Letonia 22:00 Setanta Sports
Liechtenstein 21.00 Blue Sport
Lituania 22:00 Setanta Sports
Luxemburgo 21.00 DAZN
Macedonia 21.00 Arena Sport
Moldavia 22:00 Setanta Sports
Malta 21.00 TSN
Mónaco 21.00 beIN Sports
Noruega 21.00 TV2 Sport
Polonia 21.00 Eleven Sports
Portugal 20:00 DAZN
Rumania 22:00 Digisport, Prima Sport
Rusia 23:00 MatchTV
Suecia 21.00 TV4
Suiza 21.00 Blue Sport
Ucrania 22:00 Megogo


When and where to watch Atlético Madrid vs. Barcelona in Asia

In Asia, the match can be watched live at the following times and on TV channels:

Country Countries Times Channels
Afganistán 00:00 (Monday) Voot, MTV
Arabia Saudita 23:00 beIN Sports
Armenia 00:00 (Monday) Setanta Sports, FAST TV
Azerbaiyán 00:00(Monday)  Setanta Sports
Bahrein 23:00 beIN Sports
Bangladesh 02:00 (Monday) Voot, MTV
Brunei 04:00 (Monday) beIN Sports
Bután 02:00 (Monday) Internet
China 04:00 (Monday) Migu
Emiratos Árabes 00:00 (Monday) beIN Sports
Filipinas 04:00 (Monday) beIN Sports
Georgia 00:00 (Monday) Setanta Sports
India 01:00 (Monday) Voot, MTV
Indonesia 03:00 (Monday) beIN Sports
Irán 23:00 beIN Sports
Iraq 23:00 beIN Sports
Israel 22:00 One
Japón 05:00 (Monday) U-NEXT, DAZN
Jordania 23:00 beIN Sports
Kazakistán 01:00 (Monday) Setanta Sports
Kirguistán 02:00 (Monday) Setanta Sports
Kuwait 23:00 beIN Sports
Laos 03:00 (Monday) beIN Sports
Líbano 22:00 beIN Sports
Malasia 04:00 (Monday) beIN Sports
Maldivas 01:00 (Monday) Voot, MTV
Mongolia 04:00 (Monday) SPS
Myanmar 02:00 (Monday) Canal+
Nepal 02:00 (Monday) Internet
Omán 00:00 (Monday) beIN Sports
Pakistán 01:00 (Monday) Voot, MTV
Palestina 22:00 beIN Sports
Qatar 23:00 beIN Sports
Corea del Sur 05:00 (Monday) Coupang
Corea del Norte 05:00 (Monday) Coupang
Singapur 04:00 (Monday) beIN Sports
Sri Lanka 01:00 (Monday) Voot, MTV
Siria 23:00 beIN Sports
Tayikistán 01:00 (Monday) Setanta Sports
Tailandia 03:00 (Monday) beIN Sports
Timor 05:00 (Monday) Internet
Turkmenistán 01:00 (Monday) Setanta Sports
Turquía 23:00 S Sport
Yemen 23:00 beIN Sports


When and where to watch Atlético Madrid vs. Barcelona in Africa

In Africa, the match can be followed live at the following times and on TV channels:

Country Countries Times Channels
Angola 21:00 ZAP
Argelia 21:00 beIN Sports
Benín 21:00 Super Sport, Canal+
Botswana 22:00 Super Sport, Canal+
Burkina Faso 20:00 Super Sport, Canal+
Burundi 22:00 Startimes World Football
Cabo Verde 19:00 ZAP
Camerún 21:00 Super Sport, Canal+
Rep. Centroafricana 21:00 Super Sport, Canal+
Costa de Marfil 20:00 Super Sport, Canal+
Chad 21:00 Shahid
Djibouti 23:00 Shahid
Egipto 22:00 beIN Sports
Eritrea 23:00 Super Sport, Canal+
Etiopía 23:00 Super Sport, Canal+
Gabón 21:00 New World, Super Sport
Gambia 20:00 Super Sport
Ghana 20:00 Startimes World Football, Super Sport, Canal+
Guinea 20:00 Startimes World Football
Guinea-Bissau 20:00 ZAP
Guinea Ecuatorial 21:00 Internet
Kenya 23:00 Startimes World Football
Lesotho 22:00 Super Sport, Canal+
Mali 20:00 Super Sport, Canal+
Marruecos 21:00 beIN Sports
Mozambique 22:00 Startimes World Football, Super Sport, Canal+
Nigeria 21:00 Startimes World Football, Super Sport, Canal+
Senegal 20:00 Super Sport, Canal+
Sudáfrica 22:00 Startimes World Football
Sudán 22:00 beIN Sports
Tanzania 23:00 Startimes World Football, Super Sport, Canal+
Túnez 21:00 beIN Sports
Uganda 23:00 Internet
Zambia 22:00 Super Sport, Canal+
Zimbabwe 22:00 Super Sport, Canal+