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Atletico statement on racist insults to Vinicius Jr

Published:20/09/2022 - 18:56h

Updated:20/09/2022 - 18:56h

The last derbi of Madrid has left a lot of subjects for reviewing, so much inside as out of the field. The whites carried the triumph and follow leaders of LaLiga, although the fans of the Atleti has finished being the big leading

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The Athletic of Madrid has issued a conclusive communiqué after the occurred in the past derbi in front of the Real Madrid, where the white group carried the victory 2-1 in the Metropolitan. The information of the Madrilenian team punishes the racist insults that produced in the aledaños of the stadium colchonero and signals that it will expel of the club to the partners that starred these acts.

Already it does some hours Pedro Sánchez, president of the Government of Spain, had affirmed that was "very sad" by the racist altercations that surrounded to the derbi Madrilenian. In an interview while you took to the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, demanded a reaction of the club of the that declares inflates. "I am a big follower of the Athletic of Madrid, so it was very sad", said Sánchez.

Said answer has not taken in appearing by part of the Atleti that in a hard communiqué has expressed his position in front of the regrettable facts. Besides, LaLiga included in his weekly writing of complaints of violent chants or insultantes the proferidos against Vinicius by the fans of the Athletic, as well as in front of the Celtic of Vigo in the day 5 of the Spanish tournament.

The communiqué rojiblanco

"The Athletic of Madrid condemns categorically the inadmissible chants that a minority of fans made in the outside of the stadium before the celebration of the derbi. The racism is one of the greater lacras of our society and alas the world of the football and the clubs are not free of his presence. Our club always has characterised for being an open space and integrador of fans of different nationalities, cultures, races and social classes and some can not mark the image of thousands and thousands of athletic that support to his team with passion and with respect to the rival.

These chants cause us an enormous rejection and indignation and do not go to allow that any individual escude in our colours for proferir insults of racist or xenophobe character. In the Athletic of Madrid have tolerance zero with the racism, our commitment in the fight against this lacra social is total and will not detain us until achieving delete it. For this have put us in contact with the authorities to offer them ours maximum collaboration in the investigation of the facts become in the outside of the stadium and demand them the identification of the people that participated to be able to proceed to the immediate expulsion of those that are partners of the club.

Also we want to invite to all the professionals related with the world of the football to make a deep reflection. Leaving clear once again ours more forceful conviction of these facts, that do not have the most minimum justification, think that what has sucedido in the previous days to the derbi is inadmissible. To the fans asks them wisdom and rationality and, however, professional of different fields generated during the week an artificial campaign lighting the fuse of the controversy without measuring the repercussion of his actions and demonstrations.

The pain that feels the family rojiblanca by this event is enormous. We can not allow that somebody can relate to our fans with this type of behaviours and question our values by fault of a minority that does not represent us. Our decision is firm and rotunda and will not detain us until expelling them of the family rojiblanca because they can not form part of her".

The 'culprit' of the stir

One of the journalists that followed the incidences in the Cívitas Metropolitan was Chema Medina, the one who captured one of the varied videos that ran in the social networks, in which it could listen clearly "are a monkey, Vinicius, are a monkey". Once it has viralizado this, the journalist of 'COPE' has had to erase all his profiles in the social networks because it was suffering bullying, grave insults and some threats after having published the insults against Vinicius Jr.

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