The players of Barça and Real Madrid in a Clásico of LaLiga


CONFIRMED: The 24-O Barça-Madrid Classic will be without people

Published:15/10/2020 - 13:17h

Updated:15/10/2020 - 16:35h

Alba Vergés, Regional Minister of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya, assured this Thursday that the Classic will be played without an audience, as it has been done since June. In addition, he also confirmed that the debut of the Catalans in the Champions League will be without fans

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona wanted to that the barcelonismo could begin prompt to enjoy with Ronald Koeman and his new project in the Camp Nou. The idea of Josep Maria Bartomeu and of the club was that they could go in fans in the debut of the Champions League in front of the Ferencvaros. The culés, in fact, presented a protocol so that this could occur, but the answer, as it fit to expect, has been negative.

Neither there will be public in the League of Champions, neither there will be it in the Classical against the Real Madrid of 24 October. Like this it has confirmed it the Consellera of Salut of the Government of Catalonia, Alba Vergés, in an interview to the microphones of 'Catalonia Ràdio'. "In the current situation is very difficult that pose us that it can have public", began saying the Catalan when they asked him.

You remember it? The first Classical of Messi

The maximum manager of the Govern in questions of health ensured that it can not pronounce on if there will be or no people in the fields along this course. What himself said categorically is that it will follow playing to enclosed door during the next meetings. "We can not aventurarnos that it was like this all the season, but what is sure is that of face the 20 and on 24 October is impossible", affirmed.

This announcement arrives a day after from the Govern confirmed crowd of measures to struggle against the pandemia in Catalonia. They have closed bars and restaurants during the next 15 days, and also have forbidden all the sportive competitions no professional in all the territory. Besides, the gymnasiums have limited his capacity and the users will have to ask previous appointment to go. With a panorama like this, was impossible that accepted that the public returned to the stadiums.

The Barça, therefore, goes to have to surpass to the Madrid without the breath of his people, something that clearly will prejudice to the ones of Koeman. The factor Camp Nou in the important meetings always has been fundamental, but this course it will be necessary to win without the barcelonismo in his seats. It will be necessary to see until when hard this closing in Spain, since in other countries carry time allowing the entrance of part of the fans.

The Barça wanted to 30.000 culés in the Camp Nou

In the club pretended that they went in some 30.000 people to the stadium to confront to Ferencvaros and to the madridistas. All this, clear is, respecting all the protocols of security against the coronavirus. In the Govern have studied it, but have refused it categorically, since it is not the moment to take a decision like this. Perhaps inside a month or inside two there are more options if the pandemia is more controlled, something that right now no sucede.