Gerard Hammered in a warming of the Barça


He did not tire of protesting! Piqué burst after the final whistle of the Clásico

Published:11/04/2021 - 00:31h

Updated:11/04/2021 - 15:24h

Piqué finished the Classical very annoying after the controversial referee's decisions that allowed the victory of the Real Madrid in the Classical

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To Gerard Hammered bothered him as to very few the defeat of the FC Barcelona in front of the Real Madrid in Alfredo Gave Stéfano. The central, that had returned to the announcements, did not contest any minute in the Classical, but lived it as if it was in the field with his mates. At the end of the party, went one of which more complained in front of Gil Manzano.

The possible penal of Martin Braithwaite, the time 'extra' that took the referee, the faults no pitadas to the Real Madrid and the time added, that remained very short, went the reason of a get angry descomunal of Gerard Hammered hardly finished the crash between madridistas and blaugrana. The Catalan jumped to the field and had his encontronazo with the referee of the meeting.

The main annoyance of Hammered was by the extra time that added Gil Manzano, of only four minutes, when it had detained the party by four more when it left to the edge of the field to fix the pinguinillo. This, added to the desaciertos of the referee, caused the annoyance of Hammered.

I hammered, indetenible

The members of the staff blaugrana recommended him to the defender leave to the changing room and like this avoid a possible sanction, but did not loan attention and continued manifesting his enojo by the denouement of the party. After finding with Gil Manzano, also did it with Luka Modric, midfield player of the Real Madrid, with the one who had a short and curious talk attracted by the camera.

In tone jokingly, the Croatian player said him to Hammered "are expecting for rajar now, eh", to what the one of the FC Barcelona answered him "man, four minutes...". Modric, that was key for the victory of his, completed the meeting between both with a "And how many want to?".