Xavi Hernández has sincerado after suffering, during more than 89 minutes, with his FC Barcelona. From the technical zone saw how the team did not react to the approach of the Real Sociedad and remained without options to win. Fortunately, a target of Ronald Araújo in the last minute changed the history... But also it forces him to replantearse a lot of things so that his go back to feel comfortable on the terrain of game.

The trainer egarense has not remained satisfied with the party neither with the performance of his team, but has recognised that it is a victory more than important, especially after having fallen in the Classical of the past week. It has thrown of self-criticism and recognised the tireless spirit of his players that, in spite of the altibajos, looked for the victory until the last instant.

Xavi recognises the inferiority of the Barça in Anoeta

In statements to the means, Xavi has aimed that the triumph "knows spectacular, is clear. We have not been well, we have suffered. It has lasted us little the balloon. They have put more intensity, high pressure... In the second half have been better. In his house, the Real tightens, presiona... The football sometimes is inexplicable. The past week deserved the victory and lost, and today, win", ;alando that "probably the victory means a change of chip. We have not gone out well to the meeting. We have to be autocríticos. The past week play very well. Today we have not been well, it is not the way. But you play against a gentleman instrument... His intensity has not been ours. The first 25 minutes are unacceptable. The victory no expect it to you".

The trainer has recognised the impact of the defeat in front of the Real Madrid, aiming that "I think that has affected us the result of the Classical, that did not deserve" and revealed the talk in the changing room, during the rest: "I have said Them if there was any tired, have said me that no and have said them that it was necessary to put intensity. It was more than litigating, of fight, of intensity... The Real has put more than this. We have generated few occasions. We have not been comfortable. But it is a victory importantísima. No us desenganchamos of the ones of up".

The message of Xavi on his players

On Pedri, that returned to the action after two months in the infirmary, Xavi aimed that "it goes to change the face of the team in the centre of the field. It has gone back well. It is one very good news for him and for the group", whereas of the change of Robert Lewandowski before the hour of party signalled that "it goes back of an injury and slope that was to the one hundred by one hundred. Pedri Also has been half hour. Also we have dosificado to Raphinha".

Likewise, they have gone back him to ask of by the statements of Gündogan and how have calado in the changing room: "I do not speak more than his words. It has been missing us intensity to all. Today it is necessary to be autocríticos, the past week, no. The Real has been better and has deserved more. The Classical has affected us more than what thought. It has affected us the hangover posclásico. Today it is an example of what does not be necessary to do, especially in intensity. It is something unacceptable. It can not be. Win and not being well also is of a team champion. It is a victory of gold. Vital. I am safe that it will be a turning point".