Javier Tebas, attending to an interview in an image of archive


Javier Tebas: "FC Barcelona must propose a year of transition"

Published:17/11/2020 - 19:36h

Updated:18/11/2020 - 00:47h

Javier Thebes, president of LaLiga, spoke about the complicated economic situation of the clubs, launching a council to FC Barcelona and Real Madrid

Calendar of FC Barcelona

To day of today, the pandemia has arrasado with the world-wide economy, leaving many unfit financial in a lot of sectors. The world of the football has been one of which have seen affected and big clubs like the FC Barcelona or the Real Madrid have suffered the consequences on a large scale. Javier Thebes, president of LaLiga,​ appeared in front of the means to analyse the economic situation of the teams after presenting his respective limits salariales.

In the first place, it showed worry with the economic situation, posing a future to half term. "The economic subject and his day in day out is important, as that what before can go back the people to the stadiums. It is not between our priorities. Once it happen the second wave, with the vaccine and the test antígenos, would be a good moment to pose it", said.

Also it analysed the tremendo descent of the ceiling salarial of the FC Barcelona. "With these data understands the situation that has the club with his players. It has to negotiate with them to reduce his wage. Valencia has had to sell to his players and replantear his tesorería. The clubs that less depend on the audiovisual rights are those that more problems have", commented.

"The Barcelona has to take the bull by the horns to have a correct economic structure"

Javier Thebes detailed more the consequences of the crisis in the FC Barcelona. "It is important that adapt our income to the costs. They do not go to have sanction if they do not arrive to fulfil the limit, but what do not reduce this year the Barcelona will affect him for the following season. The problem is to see how finish the tesorería to final of season. I think that now does not pose a contest of creditors. They are on the way to solve his problems and have a strategy", sentenced.

The president of LaLiga also analysed the reduction of wages, as well as the competitiveness of Real Madrid and FC Barcelona: "Both have staff that can be competitive in Europe. I save in England, in the rest of markets have been internal movements. The players of Real Madrid and FC Barcelona are competitive. These types of clubs would have to mark a year of transition, can not be competing by the same", commented.

In this sense, Javier Thebes went back to centre in the FC Barcelona, in a more complicated situation that his rival maximum. "The FC Barcelona has to take the bull by the horns to have a correct economic structure. It has reduced 30% his income. It has to have a year of transition. We do not look what do the others of Europe, already will see his accounts shortly. We can not be equal of demanding", sentenced.

Leo Messi and the Manchester City

Javier Thebes also referred to the situation of Leo Messi, that is objective of the Manchester City. "The only club of the that speaks that it can buy to Leo Messi is the Manchester City and as it does not play with the same norms that the rest", said, adding that to the group directed by Pep Guardiola "does not affect him the COVID neither at all, funds of another form and with this is impossible to compete".

On Sergio Bouquets and his possible renewal, Javier Thebes showed optimism to the Real Madrid considering more likely that the Andalusian do not change of airs. "The same that said with Messi, with the exits of big stars of the world-wide football have not noticed it, as with the equal rest. I think that will be still in the Real Madrid", said.