Joao Félix 'pulled' Barça's attack against Granada without luck
Joao Félix has been the best news of the FC Barcelona in his visit to the Granada, although it remained without marking. After several parties being, if it wants , unimportant, went back to be dicisivo in the attack
The FC Barcelona left of the New The Cármenes without the victory and with the feeling that it could have done much more in front of a Granada that had a lot merits in the first-half, but that was desinflando in the second half in front of a group blaugrana that did big, but was very desorganizado in his attacks and without shine. Joao Félix was the one who more tried of face to goal, but was especially desacertado in front of the nazaríes.
The international with Portugal was much more hit that in his last parties, in which it was being practically unimportant and did not mark the difference in the attack. In fact, against the Port wine left substituted because it was not contributing, on the same line of the previous clashes. In Granada, went back to be incisive and determinant, although it remained without prize, registering 69 touch to the balloon, 49 passes (44 good), with 13 losses, two dribblings, two shots and one blocked.
Without tarpaulin in Granada
It could close the night with the goal that supposed the traced back of the Barça, after a centre of Joao Cancel that it finished to pleasure, but the so much did not go up to the marker because Ferran Torres was in position advanced. Although the one of Foios did not touch the balloon, interfered or conditioned to the defence of the group nazarí. It was the last big opportunity of the blaugrana that remained disintegrated by desacierto.
Joao Félix keeps his statistics in the Barça, that are positive and speak of the impact that has had. In eight parties contested to date, has participated in five targets: three has annotated them he and has delivered two assistances, with an average of goal/assistance each 105 minutes. It does not see goal, however, from the visit of the Royal Amberes on 19 August. It is his first 'mini drought' and it will be necessary to expect to that it go back to 100% after the stop of selections.