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Girona's joke about Aleix García and his desire to play for Barça

Published:11/12/2023 - 22:47h

Updated:11/12/2023 - 22:47h

Aleix García was one of the protagonists of FC Barcelona-Girona on Sunday. The Spanish pivot completed a great game to appease the criticism of the 'albirroja' fans for his public desire to play for Barça, something that the club has already left behind

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Girona completed a historical day the Sunday with his first victory like visitor in front of the FC Barcelona (2-4). One of the figures of the group 'albirrojo' was, again, Aleix García, the one who went back to carry the band of captain in spite of the controversial that he same desató during theweek . When being consulted on the future of the Spanish pivote, Quique Prison was cutting when explaining that the club has full confidence in the continuity of the footballer.

"I have done him the half question jokingly after the party of if it followed having win to play in the Barça and has said me that it remains ", commented the sportive director of the Girona in an interview for 'Irradiate Mark'. During the week, the Spanish player lit the controversy when admitting publicly his wish to dress the T-shirt culé, something that the own Míchel reproached him before the duel in Montjuïc.

The president of the Girona also resolved the controversy with Aleix García

Previously, the president of the Catalan group, Delfí Geli, also had resolved the controversy on the future of his captain. "Aleix Is a player that is with us and that has helped us to grow. It is playing to an incredible level that has done that it went to the selection. It is identified and engaged with our project. Therefore it came when we were in Second and has grown with us", explained the mandator of the Girona before the party in Montjuïc.

On the result, Quique Prison left clear that, further of the big moment of the ones of Míchel, prefer to assume the things with humility. "It remains a lot of League and we are not done to struggle by a championship of League. It is a too big word as to be real. The realism says us that if we arrive in this situation to the day 29 or 30 himself that we will be able to struggle by her", puntualizó the director 'albirrojo'.

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