The arbitration committees "threaten" to go on strike and stop the competitions
New information maintains that the different arbitration committees in Spain are considering "drastic and immediate measures" due to the hostility they have received in recent weeks
The distinct presidents of the referee's committees have joined in an alone voice through an official communiqué. In the ensure that they will apply "drastic and immediate measures" in front of the different facts of violence of the that have been victims several referees in the different levels of the balompié Spanish.
Each weekend there are referees that are received with insults, threats and even physical aggressions, what has carried to the statutes to join to the announcement that did does a pair of week all the referees of First and Second Division. If the situation does not have a drastic change, is to expect that the community decide to take measures like going to the strike and brake all the competitions.
The referees want to feel safe
"Our only aim is not having to regret any incident more than the already become, what could carry us to adopt drastic and immediate measures that repercutirían directly in our competitions, forcing us to not exposing the physical integrity of our referees", sentences part of the communiqué, leaving more than clear the posture of the community.
Besides, also they stand out that the gravest aggressions occur in the inferior categories or in competitions 'amateur'. "It is difficult to exert our work in a stage with insults, pressures, threats, and aggressions. All this by, supposedly, commit referee's errors in the "football interested" and, what is graver, in the "basic football", categories that evidently would have to consider of leisure and formative", aimed another section of the text.
The rest of the referee's communiqué
From the estamento referee's of the football, want to show our worry by the increase of verbal and physical violence that are suffering our referees, stressed very especially in the last months.
From the clubs and institutions defend the values that through the training inculcan inside the football, but, however, can see vexations, threats and aggressions to people that are forming , whose only "crime" is to exert his passion like referees, in a lot of lower cases of age, that try to make his work of the best possible form.
Obviously, we are conscious that we commit errors and regret when they produce , but have right to make a mistake us. The referees encourage in improving, are forced to surpass physical and technical proofs and show periodically his knowledges, devoting long to prepare to give the best of himself same each weekend. We do not have to obviar that the referees play the same aims that the clubs, the possibility to rise or descend deportivamente when finalising the season. It results surprising the ease with which disqualifies or, what is worse, puts in doubt the honesty of all the referee's community.
Lamentably, the situations of violence repeat , arriving even to normalise aggressive behaviours inexcusables. We refer us to the way in that they justify very grave faults of behaviour that attack against the sportsmanship and the values of the sport.
We consider that it is moment of reflexionar, that all those that form part of the football -sportsmen, technicians, clubs, directors, fans, media and referees- pose us join strengths to finish with this lacra and take us very seriously what is happening, and likewise, ask the maximum implication of the official institutions and of our political class without distinction of parties, since all this affects to a well so esteemed as it is our sport, by what think that it has arrived the moment to avoid, between all, an incident with irreversible final.
We have to censor and pursue the aggressive attitudes, struggle to avoid that violent people follow forming part of the sport and to leave to encourage the hate and the violence in the social networks and in the media.
By all this, ask that it concede to this situation the importance that deserves, that work to sanction of exemplary form this type of situations and attain with this a protection in accordance with what a sportive judge deserves. It is moment to stop this campaign of desprestigio continuous to the referees, that the only that generates is to question the honesty and honorabilidad of all the community.