Javier Tebas, president of LaLiga


Tebas updates the status of LaLiga: Matches every day and no confirmed dates

Published:11/05/2020 - 09:10h

Updated:11/05/2020 - 10:38h

Javier Tebas updated the situation of soccer in Spain days after the return to training of many teams. The president of LaLiga assured that he would love to play again on June 12, but that it depends on the Government

Calendar of FC Barcelona

This past Sunday the newspaper 'ACE' ensured that on 12 June was the date that LaLiga had thought for the return of the competition. Javier Thebes has confirmed in his last interview that is the day that more likes, but recognised that it still is not something official. The maximum mandator of the championship was speaking in 'The Partidazo of Movistar' on the current situation of the competition and gave several interesting details on this subject.

The president spoke of the two dates that has said that it could return the football in Spain, the 12 and on 19 June, but ensured that everything goes to finish depending on the evolution of the pandemia. "Desconozco When will go back the football. I do not know if the most likely date is on 19 June, to me would like me that it was on 12 June. It will depend on the backstitches and contagions", explained.

The costarricense left clear that does not go to precipitate the things and that it will be Health the one who decide, although it put something of pressure speaking of the important that is the football for the economy. "Those that will have to authorise us to go back are the sanitary authorities. The football is an activity more in the phases of desescalada. We go to fulfil with what says the Government, but have the obligation to go back to the economic activity after the damage that already have suffered", signalled.

Besides, the responsible maximum of LaLiga stood out that it will have split 'non-stop' from the turn of the championship until it finish this season. "There will be football every day, from the resumption to the end of the competition", stood out. It expects that each team play at least once each three days, by what the pre-season that already has begun will be basic to be to 100% physically and avoid injuries.

Thebes insisted in that there is little risk of contagion

Also it referred the president to the possibility of contagion in the moment in which it go back the football. The one of Saint José defended that there is not practically any risk for the players if they fulfil the measures that has decreed LaLiga. "If all fulfil the sanitary norms, players, technicians... We do not go to have any problem. The football is not a sport in which the illness can transmit with ease. By the sweat does not transmit the coronavirus, is mainly by the saliva. The risk goes to be practically invalid, would say that any to the hour to contest the meetings

Thebes insisted in this subject and asked more attention to the players and clubs to avoid contagions that would not have why suceder under his point of view. "There is more risk in his houses that in the parties. I do not see risks because I trust that they will fulfil the sanitary norms. I think that we will begin the competition without any infected. If the things do well will not have them. If it did not go like this we would speak of a negligence. We go to be very on with the controls, will be 24 hours before the parties. I ask to the maximum footballers attention for the fulfillment of the protocols", commented.

Play to enclosed door will be a work in all the senses, but the president signalled that from LaLiga works so that the fans can enjoy of novelties from his houses. "We are working to see how will be everything without public and with the solitude. This next week will finish some virtual proofs of sound. The people forms part of the show and are scheduling forms of interactuación with the fans that are home. They will be things very new. We will see another type of images. It is necessary to take advantage of that those that are home enjoy it of the best possible form", puntualizó.