Gavi partido FCBarcelona


The Committee will open a file for the alleged improper alignment of Gavi against Elche

Published:5/04/2023 - 15:39h

Updated:5/04/2023 - 15:39h

The Competition Committee will open a file to deal with the 'Gavi case' after Barça allegedly aligned him improperly in Saturday's league match against Elche

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The Elche reported to the FC Barcelona by the supposed undue alignment of Gavi the past weekend although the Barcelona club had the seen well of LaLiga and of the Real Spanish Federation of Football (RFEF). Although the patronal declined the registration of the player in the first team, the true is that it continues with index card of the filial and thus would have the freedom to contest the commitment.

However, this Wednesday the Committee of Competition has taken the decision to open a file to analyse the case with elder detenimiento in front of the insistence of the group ilicitano. From the dispatches of the stadium Martínez Valero ensure that there was cancellation of licence when LaLiga achieved that the Andalusian midfield player shelved the dorsal '6' and returned to his ancient number of the Barça Atlètic.

The base of the Elche

The franjiverdes base in the article 141 of the General Regulation that does not allow that a footballer transact several licences during a same campaign: "The/ace footballers whose licence cancel , will not be able to, in the course of the same season, obtain licence in the same team of the club to the that already were linked". In spite of this, there would be cancellation some because the Barcelona based in the cautelar accepted to finals of January, what motivated to that Gavi changed of index card after signing his renewal in September.

Anyway, if of some form gave a failure in favour of the Elche by part of the Committee, happening of the "ok" of LaLiga and the RFEF, the institution culé would be the only affected and would carry to the loss of the party. There would be any type of federative sanction for the player because there was a reflation of his licence, never there was cancellation of the same.

The Barça is calm

Like this the things, the normal process of all the investigation would go through the opening of the file after the complaint. Act followed, will have to expect some days while Competition appoints to an instructor that put in contact with the Elche and also with the Barcelona, LaLiga and the Federation. Finally, with all the material collected, will value if it exists a sanction or no. It will carry time but from the dispatches are trusted that there is not at all that concern.

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