Leo Messi, celebrating with anger the marked goal to Valencia


The consequences of the "botellazo" to Neymar for Valencia

Published:24/10/2016 - 17:03h

Updated:24/10/2016 - 20:24h

Valencia CF confronts to a conclusive economic sanction and to a possible closing of Mestalla during some parties after the "botellazo" to Neymar Jr, when being reincidente in this type of altercations. The club "ché" does not know to control to his fans

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Valencia-FC Barcelona did not finish of the best possible way the past Saturday, with the launching of several objects by part of a sector of the terracing of Mestalla against divesos players of the Barça. Neymar Jr Received a "botellazo" in the head, but the reality -that some means try to hide- is that also they threw lighters and other bottles that, luckily, did not hit in any another player.

Another fan launched also before it gave beginning the meeting a stock exchange of pipes to Paco Alcácer, that left to the bench during the prolegómenos of the commitment, and this fact neither was collected in the referee's record of Undiano Mallenco, although yes it was attracted by the multiple cameras of television that found in the stadium.

The reality, to day of today, is that the Committee of Competition will study attentively it sucedido and could finish sanctioning to Valencia CF with the closing of Mestalla during some parties, when being Valencia CF reincidente in this type of altercations. We remember that, it does two seasons, Sergio Busquets already was assaulted with an object launched from the terracings, after marking the goal of the victory of the Barça in territory "ché".

In that occasion The League did not take reprisals because the referee did not reflect the incident in the referee's record. This time Undiano Mallenco himself has done it with the "botellazo" to Neymar Jr -at least-, by what will be complicated that Valencia do not receive, like minimum, a hard economic sanction.

The own Valencian club already condemned the done instants after the meeting, although speaking in singular and attributing the fault of the sucedido to the fan that launched the bottle that hit in the head of Neymar.