The Espanyol decides to forget to the canteranos that at least think in the Barcelona
Published:25/05/2021 - 21:19h
Updated:25/05/2021 - 21:20h
From the Espanyol do not contemplate to do efforts by players that have in the mind the possibility to abandon the club looking for fit in The Farm
Ferran Jutglà (Espanyol B), Carlos German (Juvenile To), Miguel Carvalho (Juvenile B), Andrea Natali, Pol Beranbéu and David Muñoz (Childish B) are players of the inferior of the Espanyol of Barcelona that do life in the Ciutat Esportiva Dani Jarque, the same that opened the box of pandora in the club parakeet.
The constant escape of the quarry of the instrument course to The Farm, plants in a big dilemma to the Espanyol, that does not have the power to convince to the boys in front of the size of the rival club, that besides gave a lot of importance to the more youngsters this campaign and obviously, renació the illusion of many.
Or rather, it planted in a big dilemma, because the things changed in the last weeks. The Espanyol has clear that it wants to have players that really seat the colours of the club, that are engaged with the philosophy and shield so that Tamudo was not the only in the history with these shots.
In front of the situation with the canteranos, the doors are opened wide open for his exit, since from the offices of the Espanyol will not go to contest a player of the quarry and much less with the Barcelona, being more a subject of pride that of real economic possibilities, by what there will be negative of any type.
At present in the Espanyol opts by the training of talents of the house and give him shooting in the elite of fast form, although no anticipated, by what although there will be spaces for the growth of each one of the boys, will not force to anybody to expect his moment and neither will advance any step to ensure his permanence.
Already they spoke with the core
Between the total group that looks for new challenges or an exit to the eternal rival, the Espanyol already contacted to which interest of specific way and with regard to future for the first team, but to the equal that with the other, there will be greater insistence for his permanence.