They did not begin well the things for the FC Barcelona in the party against the Huesca contested in the Camp Nou this Sunday. In spite of that the FC Barcelona began dominating territorially the meeting, went the Huesca the team that advanced by mediation of a goal of Cucho Hernández to the 3 minutes of game.

The ariete Colombian finished of head a centre of Samuele Longo, the another offensive man of the Huesca. The team oscense did not have any type of complex in spite of confronting to the current champion of LaLiga Santander. In fact, in previous parties, the Huesca already showed that, in spite of debuting in the category, will put it to him difficult to any team.

The one who warns is not treacherous and from did days already warned that the Huesca was a wolf with skin of lamb. In spite of that the FC Barcelona finished goleando by 8-2, during the first time the group oscense generated problems to the men of Ernesto Valverde in a so complicated stage like the Camp Nou.

The Huesca already comes showing this season that is a team that always goes out to give the face. In fact, the oscenses already achieved to defeat to the Eibar in the first day liguera and, in the second, rascaron a tie of a field so compicado like Saint Mamés, in front of the Athletic Club.

Leo Franco elogió to Cucho Hernández

Leo Franco, trainer of the Huesca, elogió to Cucho, that went the first goleador of the oscenses: "Cucho is a boy in which have a lot of hopes. It did a very good party. Had in front to two champions of the world and he with 18 añitos showed the courage that ask him marking his first goal in First in the Camp Nou".

The Argentinian trainer, besides, ensured that no arrepiente to having jumped to the field with a plantemiento brave: "it Had betrayed my principles if it had gone out of another way in spite of confronting us to the best team of the world. In several phases of the party had very good level. It is not an easy defeat, but have to learn to replace us and to revertir this moment".