Robert Lewandowski en un partido del Barça copy


The position of the Competition Committee with the Espanyol complaint

Published:2/01/2023 - 20:59h

Updated:2/01/2023 - 20:59h

Pending the meeting of the Committee for this week, there would be very little they can do to 'listen' to an important complaint from RCD Espanyol after the Catalan derby

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The RCD Espanyol issued a communiqué this Monday aiming that they had presented a complaint to the Real Spanish Federation of Football (RFEF) to impugn the derbi Catalan, against the FC Barcelona, by undue alignment of Robert Lewandowski, after it received the resolution of the cautelarísima that was conceded by the Juzago Central number two.

The picture 'perico' is expecting of the answer by part of the RFEF, but is worth it to remember that the Committee of Competition already had pronounced the day Saturday, before the clash, and left clear that could not "leave without effect a judicial resolution". However, it will be necessary to expect to the meeting of this week to know if there will be some change.

As it explains ' Sportive World', the measure cautelarísima involves that the judge has to resolve, in three days, the measures requested by the Barça. In this term, summons to the parts involved for "a formality of audience" in which it also could participate the RFEF and in which it confirms if it applies or no the cautelar for afterwards define if it keeps or no the punishment.

The Committee can not act

Like this then , the Committee of Competition is not in conditions to act against of the Barça to consider the undue alignment, because it considers the presence of Lewandowski like illicit. In case that yes it had produced , the punishment would be very grave for the Barcelona entity.

In the the article 79 of the Disciplinary Code establishes that "anyway, to the club that range indebidamente to a/to footballer by not gathering the statutory requirements to be able to participate in a party, will give him this by stray, declaring victorious to the opponent with the result of three goals to zero, except that had obtained an upper score, if the competition went by points, in whose case will keep ", explaining that it would produce an economic fine "of 6.001 to 9.000 euros when the team find ascribed to professional category".

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