The spirits are caldeados in the previous of the visit of the FC Barcelona to the Reale Sand to confront to the Real Sociedad, this Saturday from the 21:00 hours (9:00 PM CET), in the corresponding party to the twelfth day of LaLiga EA SPORTS 2023/2024. Xavi Hernández has left clear the aims of his in press conference and, of the same way, Imanol Bailiff has insisted in that the Basques only will litigate by the victory home, to give continuity to the series of 17 parties without falling in his stadium.

"If we win, we put us to two points, are moments to enjoy, would like me do it winning"

The trainer is conscious that it already has happened long from the last time that attained to impose to the Barça in Anoeta, but this party face it of a different way and with the intention to impose to celebrate with his fans: "But no because we carry so much time without winning, because the normal against a Barcelona is that you lose, what is not normal is that if we win put us to only two points of them, on playing the Champions. We go it to try. The year happened there already were able to win, why no now here? If we win, we put us to two points, are moments to enjoy, would like me do it winning", began saying.

Of the series of 17 clashes without losing like venue, Bailiff has recognised that "it wants to say that have a big staff, some players that kill by this T-shirt, and a big staff that helps me to prepare the parties. These data are here, but I would apply it to the four years and half. I think that the numbers of this team, since I have done me charge, are complicated to keep, but go it to try".

The Barça, affected after the Classical?

It has been questioned, on the other hand, on if it considers that the defeat of the Barça in the Classical, by 1-2 against the Real Madrid, can leave 'nervous' to the blaugrana. Imanol commented that "this type of clubs, with these staff, are so habituados to expose that it gives them the same the party that was. It is clear his potential, although they are used to to have altibajos when there is not resulted. Here some put you nervous when we happen the eliminatory by the minimum, imagine you there. All his players are very good, we to win have to do our best party".

"If the Barcelona puts excuses because they are missing them some players, imagine you other teams"

On the 'reinforcements' of the blaugrana for the crash, taking in consideration the return of Pedri González to the announcement, has aimed that "this will answer it to you better Xavi, but Pedri is a differential player and Of Jong the same. They are two players of maximum level and surely have missed them but, if the Barcelona puts excuses because they are missing them some players, imagine you other teams. The said before, have an enormous potential".

The similarity between Barça and Real Sociedad

Questioned by the fact that both groups bet for having the balloon and dominate, has signalled that "to them likes them have the ball, to us also, but when we have not had it have been able to joint us and go out in transition, also they... It goes to have moments for all, is seeing in all the parties of League, because it accumulates the tiredness for all".