Javier Tebas in a press conference


Tebas returns to 'crack' against Laporta for TV revenues

Published:23/12/2022 - 13:33h

Updated:23/12/2022 - 13:34h

The crosses of statements between Javier Tebas and Joan Laporta simply do not stop. To each criticism of the Barça president to the tournament there is always a response from the top leader of the employers

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The president of LaLiga, Javier Thebes, has published this Friday the economic quantity that perceives the FC Barcelona by television distributions. The also lawyer has wanted to answer again to the criticisms to the tournament and now has done it with a publication in his account of Twitter, where besides directs personally to Joan Laporta, president of the Barcelona club.

With the controversy of the Superliga of by half the 'fight' between both leaders now has done that through a tuit, Thebes have decided to publish the income that receives the Barça by television rights in comparison to the clubs of the Premier League. "It is necessary to inform before rajar", has added Thebes in his message

According to these data of the president of LaLiga, the Catalan club ingresa at least 160,1 million euros, only by behind the Real Madrid, that perceives 160,8 regarding the Spanish clubs. The ranking of clubs that more ingresan by television rights head it of course the English. The City, Liverpool, Tottenham, Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United, in this order, are the first of the table.

Thebes equally has wanted to leave clear to Laporta that "are perfectly competitive". "The League ingresa less, and you like the big of the Premier League", added the maximum representative of the patronal. Inside the list the maximum benefited is the Manchester City of Pep Guardiola with at least 176 million euros.

A big global difference

A point that calls the attention is the difference of income between both tournaments. This shows that although in England ingresan almost more than billion, the Barça and the Madrid are to the same height of the 'big six' English. This translates to a much less competitive tournament, doing besides that any club of the Premier can do signings that in Spain I possible for very few.

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