Javier Thebes went back to generate controversy. The president of LaLiga through the platform of the congress organised by ISDE, rushed forward again against the maximum mandator of the Real Madrid, Florentino Pérez, to the cual considers that it has done all the possible for destituirlo of his charge. To his time, commissioned to give his opinion regarding the creation of the Superliga and his model of management.

"Florentino never loses. Always it is attentive and alert. It is trying to delete me from LaLiga from does years and does not stop. The neutrality of the CSD goes to by months. The Superliga is a model of management in which the richest clubs command. It says that they generate a lot and already they will deliver in solidarity. It seemed the feudal period, but in the football", started declaring the current president of the Spanish league.

Likewise, it followed aiming against of Florentino, ensuring that his presence can be very dangerous inside the Spanish football. "It is not question to fear, but of who is in front. It is a very influential person for his aims. Florentino is transversal. With Berlusconi knew that it was of rights, here Florentino is with all: Carmena, Zapatero, Sánchez...Has a lot of influence, too much... This is not at all good for the country neither for the fútbol", sentenced.

Javier Thebes referred to the possible arrival of Mbappé to the Real Madrid

Thebes 'wet' with if it saw possible the signing of Kylian Mbappé by the group madridista. Even, it mentioned the case of the forward of the Manchester City, Erling Haaland, to the that sees a bit more complicated. "To me it would like me see to the best in our competitions. To Mbappé give him 99,99% of possibility that it play the next season in the Real Madrid. Haaland Is more complicated. It carries little time in the City as to pose an exit", finalised.