Mateu Lahoz, the best meme of the Real Betis-FC Barcelona of the League BBVA 2015-2016

Mateu Lahoz, leading

These are the best "memes" of the Real Betis-FC Barcelona

Published:30/04/2016 - 23:27h

Updated:30/04/2016 - 23:28h

The victory of the Barça in Benito Villamarín in front of the Betis brought amused and controversial images that the "memes" commission of resumir. Especially with a Mateu Lahoz, turned into "House of cards" by his loose hand

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Hard party and contested between Real Betis and FC Barcelona this Saturday that finish carrying the Barcelona group thanks to his tarpaulin up and to that controlled all the facets of the game. Something that desquició to his rival, that finish giving patadas to right and left and that cost him the expulsion of Westermann and the more than forced of a Dani Ceballos whose hastes finish being punished only by a caution.

This yellow that taught him a Mateu Lahoz that shot cards to both teams, finish the Barça also prejudiced in the attempt of the Valencian to compensate. Thus Mateu won the "meme" honorífico that heads this news but was not the only. Ceballos Also has his "meme" properly personificado.

Neither it remained without receiving the good of Iker Boxes, to the cual accuse to teach him to Antonio Adán to "eat " the aerial balloons like which produced the goal of Ivan Rakitic. Finally, the penalty of the injury of Claudio Bravo could turn into happiness for Ter Stegen according to the users of internet, which things…

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