Garay, celebrating the marked goal against the FC Barcelona


Valencia confirms that 35% of its team has the coronavirus

Published:17/03/2020 - 07:59h

Updated:18/03/2020 - 17:27h

The first leg of the eighth Champions League has been very expensive for Valencia. The 'che' club, which had already confirmed several positives for coronavirus, has announced that there are even more affected. In total, 35% of the workforce between players and coaching staff

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Valencia is without place to doubts the club of LaLiga that more is seeing affected by the coronavirus. The valencianistas already announced does some days that Ezequiel Garay, Eliaquim Mangala, José Luis Gayà, the delegate Paco Camarasa and the medical Juan Aliaga were infected. This past Monday at night, the 'ches' have confirmed that there is more positive still and that 35% of the staff is infected.

Between footballers and technical body, more than a third of Valencia has the COVID-19 in these moments. The ones of Mestalla explained it in a communiqué in which they ensure that the cases detected do not present symptoms and are isolated home while they work with normality. "Valencia CF informs of new positive cases of coronavirus COVID-19 in technicians and players of the first team. All are cases asintomáticos and find in his domiciles with medical follow-up and with measures of isolation, making with normality his plan of work programmed", says the writing.

It is necessary to remember that Valencia saw exposed directly to the virus in the gone of the eighth of final of the Champions League. The valencianistas travelled to Milan to play against the Atalanta and in this trip many of his members contracted this illness. The own Valencian club admits in the communiqué published that this trip has been the causante of all the occurred until the moment.

"In spite of the strict measures adopted by the Club after contesting on 19 February 2020 a party of UEFA Champions League in Milan, area confirmed of high risk by the Italian authorities days afterwards, distanciando to the staff of the labour surroundings and of the public in general, the last results show that the inherent exhibition to the parties has caused around 35% of positive cases", explained.

Any another player of LaLiga has given positive by the COVID-19 to date, by what is evident that if Valencia is so affected is by his visit to Italy. The Italian country and more specifically the north, where situates Milan, is being a zone of risk from does time. The 'ches' have carried the worst part and put of self-evident that, perhaps, the UEFA did not do well his work and had to suspend this meeting in his day.

Valencia recommends to remain home

In this communiqué, the team valencianista recommends also remain home and follow the norms and instructions that the Government and the Health are giving to struggle against the illness. "Valencia CF takes advantage of this new proof of high contagiosidad of the virus to insist in that the population keep in his domiciles and follow strictly all the measures of hygiene and prevention already published", affirmed in the text.

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