They have been many the opinions found and critical by the goal of Vinicius Jr in front of the UD Almería. And it is that the attacker of the Real Madrid finished, between two rivals, direct to the goal and any image leaves entirely clear if it used his shoulder (until the sleeve, what allows the rule of the IFAB) or with his arm. The complaints have not detained in the last hours, especially after the divulging of the audios of the VAR.

It is worth it to remember that Francisco José Hernández Maeso had cancelled the goal, a priori, because it understood that it struck him with his arm. However, from the VAR called him Hernández Hernández so that it reviewed he the action in the monitor, on foot of field, because it was a played that needed his interpretation. "It gives him in the shoulder", finished deciding to validate the so much that supposed the tie to fault of little more than 20 so that it fulfilled the statutory time.

The 'war' in social networks by the goal of Vinicius Jr

The true is that the history has continued this Monday, with message of Vinicius Jr in his social networks defending his goal. "Golazo!!! Like this it did it always in the beach of Copacabana", wrote the footballer of 23 years quoting a publication in which it is the gif of the action and in which himself observes that it had hit the balloon with his right shoulder. It will be an action that will follow generating controversial and that it will be very commented in the weeks to come.

In addition to the message of the international with Brazil in his official account of 'X', this Monday also has called the attention the answer of the Almería to the publication of LaLiga of the audios of the VAR, questioning why in the review of Francisco José Hernández Maeso in the monitor had not included all the images that had seen in the transmission in direct: "Why they do not show to the referee the rest of angles that have been able to see in TV?", they wrote in his official social networks.