Paul Scholes United


A United legend is already 'wet' about the tie against Barça

Published:9/11/2022 - 17:18h

Updated:9/11/2022 - 17:28h

The FC Barcelona will return to Old Trafford after several seasons. Now the now in the Europe League after an irregular actuality in the Champions, by what any sees favourite to the Manchester United

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The eliminatory of the Europe League between the FC Barcelona and the Manchester United has generated logically an important quantity of reactions and one of which has wanted to say his on the crossing has been the English Paul Scholes, legend of the 'red devils'. Both teams will contest a ticket to eighth of final in the most attractive key of this phase of the continental competition.

Scholes, that left was to the Barça in the semifinals of the Champions League of the season 2007/08 with a golazo that left deleted to the culés, analysed the pairing between his ancient team and the ones of Xavi Hernández. The English showed optimist with the actuality of the United and his options to follow advancing in the Europe League.

"It loves me that they play against the Barcelona so that it flow the energy and there is a good environment. I think that they are able to win him to the Barcelona", said Scholes, that afterwards matizó that the Barça is "a very good team" and that "by a lot of that want to play against them, probably are the team that wanted to avoid".

The eliminatory still is far, having the World-wide and the market of winter before. The two events could change of important way the possibilities of both teams. The first meeting will be the next 16 February, whereas the turn will carry out to the following week, the Thursday 23 February. As already it had announced during the draw, the teams that come from of the Champions League will play the gone in his stadium, by what the Barça will have to close the eliminatory in Old Trafford.

Mini Pre-season

Taking advantage of the stop by the dispute of the World-wide of Qatar, the Manchester United will make a stopped by Andalusian earths with the players that remain with the technical Erik have Hag. The team mancuniano will be in Jerez in a complex with several fields of training and in which a lot of teams do pre-seasons in summer, and is foreseen that they contest two friendly: against the Cádiz in the New Stadium Mirandilla (7 December) and against the Betis in Benito Villamarín (10 December).

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