It has been a very moved Saturday in the middle of the 'case Rubiales'. After it decided to be still in the presidency of the Real Spanish Federation, ratified in the Extraordinary Assembly, the FIFA has taken part to suspend him provisionally, by 90 days at most. From the RFEF have not taken in pronouncing and have appointed to the one who will act like the interim president, Pedro Rocha Together.

In the communiqué, have explained that "the RFEF communicates that, in the morning of today, has received the notification of the Disciplinary Commission of FIFA of provisional suspension of the Mr. President, Luis Rubiales Béjar, while it transacts the disciplinary file. In accordance with the foreseen in the Statutes of the RFEF, the Vice-president attach to the Presidency, Pedro Rocha Junco, assumes the interim presidency during this period. Luis Rubiales has manifested that it will defend legally in the competent organs, trusts fully in the instances of the FIFA and reiterates that, of this way, gives him the opportunity to begin his defence so that it prevail the truth and show his complete innocence".

Rain of resignations in the selection

In addition to the designation of the new interim president of the RFEF, in the last hours has produced the resignation of eleven members of the technical body of Jorge Vilda. They have reported that, during the Assembly, the women were forced to seat in first row for 'support' the statements of Rubiales. "It finish . The football is football and ojalá could be speaking of the achieved", wrote Montse Tomé. It does not be necessary to overlook that they had offered him the place of sportive director in full meeting of the Thursday.

In the conclusive communiqué, estableccen that "the and the undersigned manifest his firmer and rotunda conviction in front of the behaviour showed by the president of the Spanish Federation of Football, Luis Manuel Rubiales Béjar, with the player of the Absolute Selection, Jennifer Beautiful".

They establish that "after the Extraordinary General Assembly of the RFEF, that took place the past 25 August 2023, in which the president of the RFEF did not present his resignation and in which it offered a relate that it does not reflect in way any the felt by the quoted player, the one who has manifested on purpose that it felt "victim of an aggression", this part of the Technical Team supports to the player Jennifer Beautiful doing his the version offered by this. Adding the discomfort to have to assist obligatoriamente to the quoted assembly of 25 August, in which, besides, produced a fact especially hiriente for this technical body, since to several of the feminine members of the staff technical forced them to plant in first row, exposing his image and trying hint to the society and players, that shared the theses of the president of the RFEF".

In the communiqué, signal that "they have taken the decision to put his charges to disposal of the same. This part of the Technical Team shows his support to the communiqué published by the players of the Feminine Absolute Selection of Football, in reference to said actions and demonstrations made by the president of the RFEF, and more in concrete to the public statements made by the player Jenni Beautiful. The and the undersigned want to finish this communiqué accepting the part of responsibility that touches us with regard to the restructuring and profesionalización of the Absolute Women's team, a work by which always have worked with the elder of the motivations and professionalism".

The communiqué was signed by Montse Tomé Vázquez (Technical Assistant Feminine Absolute Selection of Football), Javier Lerga Garayoa, (Technical Assistant Feminine Absolute Selection of Football), Eugenio Gonzalo Martín (Technical Assistant Feminine Absolute Selection of Football and Seleccionador Sub-17 and Sub-16 Feminine), Blanca Romero Moraleda (Preparadora Physical Feminine Absolute Selection of Football), Carlos Sánchez García (Trainer Guardametas Feminine Absolute Selection of Football), Rubén Jiménez Gómez (Technical Analyst Feminine Absolute Selection of Football), Sonia Bermúdez Tribano (seleccionadora Sub19- and Sub20 Feminine of Football), Javier Velázquez Díaz (Preparador Physical Feminine Inferior Selections of Football), Javier Egido Saz (Technical Analyst Select Inferior Feminine of Football), Ander Ruíz Mitxelena (Trainer Guardametas Feminine Inferior Selections of Football) and Elena Fernández Brown (trainer Guardametas Feminine Inferior Selections of Football.

New communiqué of the RFEF against Beautiful

Before confirming to Pedro Rocha Junco, the RFEF had issued a new communiqué answering to the that had published Jenni Beautiful during the night of the Friday. They keep that the player mention in all his affirmations against of Luis Rubiales. To continuation, the whole communiqué:

"Once accredited by part of the RFEF that the player Mrs. Jennifer Beautiful mentía in the statements that formulated, by means of the Union FutPro, have had knowledge of a new communiqué - now yes, of the player - where, in a clearly prepared text by third, to have of the necessary elements for the suspension of the functions of the President of the Federation, have to manifest that the Mrs. Jennifer Beautiful mention in all the affirmations that formulates against of the President, as will have occasion to accredit in the timely moment.

That have of all the pertinent reports and peritajes that accredit the affirmed by the President and that go to exert the corresponding legal actions against all those people that are falseando the reality and committing crimes very grave.

It results extraordinarily incomprehensible that the Beautiful Mrs., in spite of describing the superficial kiss like "a mere anecdote without transcendence" in his statements in front of the welfare officer of the FIFA – immediately after having become the facts –; or to declare in front of the media that "I only can say that it has been the moment, the efusión and of the moment, that there is not at all further, and that goes to remain in an anecdote and already is, that… the people… if it wants to give him bass drum goes it to him to give and the one who no as no" ; and that besides hanged in the social networks a video in which she signals that it had authorised this kiss like sample of efusividad with a "voucher"; it affirm now in this elaborated communiqué that considers the referred anecdotes like a "abuse in which it did not mediate consent", feeling "vulnerable and victim of an aggression, an impulsive act and male chauvinist out of place and without any consent on my part".

The grave contradictions in the relate initial of the become - that put of self-evident in the report of integrity - and the grave indictments poured by the Beautiful Mrs. since it has been abducida by the Union FutPro move us to ask us to which interests answers the surprising change in the initial version and qualification of the facts.

The facts are those that are; and, by a lot of communiqués that want to take out for tergiversar the reality, is impossible to change what occurred. The beak was consented. The consent loans in the moment with the conditionings of the moment. Afterwards it can think that one has made a mistake, but can not modify the reality".