The luso, KO
Cristiano Ronaldo broke in the minute 15 of the final!
Published:10/07/2016 - 21:38h
Updated:11/07/2016 - 09:25h
The forward luso suffered a strong entrance of the half French Payet that left him very touched the knee. Cristiano Ronaldo treated to force and after going back to go out of the terrain of game between cryings, the luso tried it and finish asking the change
A grandísimo problem came him to Portugal (and to the Real Madrid) in the final of the Eurocopa in front of France when his star Cristiano Ronaldo had to abandon the party by an injury in his knee. All was after a haphazard action with the half Payet, that pugnó by a ball in the centre of the field with the one of Madeira to the that ate "" and hit with his left leg.
The forward quickly remained tumbado on the terrain of sore game and with clear symptoms of suffering. The Portuguese medical services attended him on the green and later finish in the band treating to recover . The played finish with a CR7 shattered that would go back to go in to the terrain of game.
Minutes afterwards went back to go in half lame in front of the boos of the local fans. After touching several balls and after a pair of careers, the player fell prey of the strong hit in his left-handed leg. On the terrain of game, the forward of the Real Madrid put to cry and the sanitary Portuguese looked for to revive it with these "magic" potions with which impregnate the musculature of the footballers.
In spite of everything, by second occasion the "bug" went back to test going in in the field but from the first balloon that touched already saw him totally lame. Five minutes afterwards, already in the 20 of the first time Ronaldo threw to the floor the bracelet of captain and, now already yes, cried desconsolado. The stretcher went in to carry it and Ricardo Quaresma went in in his place. For now desconoce the scope of the injury but in the Real Madrid already shiver…