In Holland already compare to Frenkie of Jong with Johan Cruyff
Published:19/06/2021 - 23:27h
Updated:19/06/2021 - 23:27h
Frenkie Of Jong has stepped strong in the Dutch selection and his last two parties in the Eurocopa are the greater proof of this, winning the praises of his compatriots
Frenkie Of Jong has showed to be one of his players that work in silence, but that have an enormous impact in the exert of his teams. The midfield player has showed it so much with the FC Barcelona as with his selection, Holland, a factor that has done him merecedor of praises by part of his mates, trainers, fánaticos, but also of historical players of his country.
The creativity, precision, reading of game and a sinfín of characteristics that has his game have turned him into one of the most stood out footballers in the present edition of the Eurocopa, being key in the two triumphs of Low Countries to classify to the eighth. Frenkie Has stepped very strong in his selection and already compare him with Johan Cruyff, because it is a differential player in the field.
It is a 'weight' that has carried in his shoulders since it began to stand out in the Ajax, before fichar by the Barça, and has intensified with his big exert in the last months. Ernie Brandts, mundialista in 1978 with the Dutch selection, went the last that undid in praises and compared him with the mythical player and trainer that changed the perspective of the football. "Cruyff Was better, but what likes me of Frenkie is that has this point of acceleration and change of rhythm that had Johan. It knew what it was necessary to do with the balloon in each moment; and it was used to to stop and start in dry and went of his rivals with an ease tremenda, as it does Frenkie".
To his time, added that "it is a penalty that do not mark more goals", but that "by the other, has all the ingredients to be a top player. In the selection, all his mates know that they can look for him and with him, the possession is ensured", sentenced Brandts recently in an article published in the Dutch newspaper 'Of Telegraaf'.
A player that has it (and does) everything
If something has showed Of Jong in the Barça and in his selection is that, when it brushes the spherical, very few things go out bad. It has turned into a big compass from the centre of the field and the attendant to give him fluidity to the game. With the 'Orange' has been the pumón extra of the equpo, without leaving space any to the error.
It shows, split after party, that is the manager that his mates surpass lines and the leader of a driving of the able wonderful balloon to change the rhythm of party. Of Jong has turned into a point diferenciador, being the baton of Holland and marking the time of the party, of there the halagos of his compatriots.