James Rodríguez, during a party with the Bayern Munich


James causes the anger of Heynckes with Colombia

Published:6/11/2017 - 20:01h

Updated:7/11/2017 - 00:23h

The midfield player of the Bayern Munich, James Rodríguez, is summoned with the selection of Colombia for the two friendly that will contest the 'cafeteros' in front of South Korea and China. His course has not liked at all to Jupp Heynckes, Bavarian technician

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The trainer of the Bayern Munich, Jupp Heynckes, has showed his discontent in the last hours by the announcement of James Rodríguez with the selection of Colombia, to which will attend to contest two friendly parties in front of South Korea and Chinese in the next days.

Heynckes Thinks that James Rodríguez would have to have been freed when being classified already Colombia for the World-wide of Russia 2018, but has not been like this and the seleccionador 'cafetero' has opted for summoning to James, the one who always has showed a big commitment with his country.

"It goes to fly to South Korea and Chinese to play only two parties. Sincerely it does not like me at all, afterwards we expect things of our players that are physiologically impossible", commented the trainer of the Bayern Munich, that already has James Rodríguez for his eleven headline from does some parties, and is giving confidence to the Colombian so that it show his best level.

Now, the ex player of the Real Madrid will have to make more than 18.500 kilometres in aeroplane to contest the two friendly in Seoul and Chngquing, something that without place to doubts will cause him a big physical wear by the mere fact to travel so many kilometres, and also can that 'jet-lag' when it return to earths germanas to play with the Bavarian group.

James always answers to the call of Colombia

James Rodríguez, in any case, has decided to attend to the call of Colombia and a possible intromisión of the Bayern Munich without place to doubts would have created a conflict between the player and his current club. And it is that James always has had clear that, if it is well physically, never will fail to an announcement with the selection 'cafetera', the one who catapulted him in the World-wide 2014 to the international fame.

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