Joao Félix lució with Portugal in front of Ireland (3-0) and aims to the titularity in the debut in the Eurocopa in front of the Czech Republic next Tuesday. The extreme converted the first so much of the goleada in the minute 18, taking advantage of a pass inside the area of Bruno Fernandes to take out a puntillazo of left-handed, leaving static to the goalkeeper Kelleher. Minutes before, the guardameta had denied him the so much to the '14' of the Barça after a finish almost in the point penalti that the '1' sent to the corner with his left foot.

Félix conformed a very interesting trident beside Rafael Leao and Cristiano Ronaldo, with the one who the footballer still property of the Athletic of Madrid understands of wonder. Joao Situated like mediapunta, playing to backs of 'CR7' and the forward of the AC Milan. There it saw very comfortable, being the player that more touched the balloon in the rival area during the first part. After the rest, the technical Roberto Martínez put to Rúben Neves in his place, rearming almost completely his alignment.

Cristiano rounded the goleada with a doublet in the complement

The own Neves commissioned to assist to Christian in the action of the 2-0. The mediocentro threw a long pass that the experienced attacker luso went down of right and, after dribbling to his left-handed, took out a bombazo imparable to beat to Kelleher just when it fulfilled the hour of game. Ten minutes later, the '7' closed the marker with another good definition of left-handed, this time taking advantage of a centre from the left after a good played individual of Diogo Jota.

For Portugal, the goleada in front of Ireland serves to clear the doubts generated after the defeat the Saturday in front of Croatia (1-2), a party where Joao Félix had had a much more discreet performance. The Tuesday also went of the game Joao Cancel, the one who also was replaced in the halftime by Nuno Mendes. In the Euro, the lusos split like big favourites of the Group F, where in addition to Chequia will see the faces with Turkey and Georgia.