Spain urged to Lamine Yamal so that it did his official debut like international absolute Spanish the past week in front of Georgia. The forward of the FC Barcelona went in in the second half and besides marked to remain with two records of The Red. However, the reality is that it still is not all said and still could change of selection.

And it is that the one of Mataró, that this Tuesday has added his second party with the Spanish team after his titularity in front of Cyprus, sees as from Morocco do not give by defeated when wanting to activate the 'rule Munir', that is the one who took advantage of the combined African by the case of Munir The Haddadi, exjugador of the Barça. The forward also had a big irruption in the professional football and was summoned with the Spanish selection, although in his case yes has finish being player of Morocco.

Lamine Yamal also could receive to the change of rule of the FIFA in which no only is necessary to debut with a selection to turn into international player for ever of that country, but in the minors of 21 years does fault that do until three parties with the combined national before they are blocked. But if it plays at least a party of a World-wide, equal voucher.

Morocco has a month more than hope with Lamine Yamal

It is thus that to the not having Glass of the in the future near World, Lamine would have to play a party more with the Spanish selection so that it remain descartada the option of Morocco. It is thus that 'ACE' aims that from the Moroccan federation will try to avoid the consistent blockade in the next stop of selections, programmed for the second week of the month of October.

For this moment such seems that all the looks will be put in the announcement and especially in the party that Spain will play against Scotland the next 12 October in the Stadium of The Cartuja of Seville. Thus the seleccionador of Morocco, Walid Regragui, already visited to Yamal, as it aims information, to try that it remain an open door of face to this third potential party of the extreme of the Barça with The Red.