The Barça contacted with Thomas Vermaelen after the attacks

It wanted to know as it was

The Barça, in contact with Vermaelen after the attacks 

Published:22/03/2016 - 15:47h

Updated:22/03/2016 - 15:48h

The Barcelona group interested by the situation of the central of the selection of Belgium Thomas Vermaelen after the hard terrorist attacks that suffered Brussels this Tuesday. The Belgian have cancelled the friendly party in front of Portugal

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The FC Barcelona has wanted to be at all times at the side of the defender of the FC Barcelona Thomas Vermaelen after the hard attacks that his country suffered in the morning of this Tuesday. The Barcelona group, as it informs "Sport", called and conversed with the defender to know his state of spirit and send him all the support in a moment very hard for the Belgian village.

Two terrorist attacks occurred this 22 March 2016 in the international airport of Zaventem and in the station of metre of Maelbeek, all this in Brussels, have caused the panic in the city and calculates that they have originated 34 dead persons. Something that has conmocionado to all the country and to all Europe and that has taken to the Belgian selection preparing the next friendly meetings.

The own Federation of Belgium suspended the training that had slope for this Tuesday due to the fact that, as they explain in a publication in his Twitter, "the football today is not important". "Our condolence for the victims. The football is not important today. The training has been cancelled", prayed the tuit published by the federation.

To the equal that sucedió after the attacks of Paris, in which it suspended the party between Belgium and Spain, the managers of the Belgian and Portuguese federations, together with the authorities of the country, decided also suspend by reasons of security the meeting that had to celebrate next Tuesday 29 March.

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