Pedri González LamineYamal


"There is no Pedri case": Santi Denia defends the absence of Lamine Yamal and that of the Canarian i

Published:26/06/2024 - 15:05h

Updated:26/06/2024 - 15:05h

FC Barcelona confirmed this Wednesday that Lamine Yamal will not be in Paris for the Olympic Games, a situation that coach Santi Denia took advantage of to make it clear that there has been no condition whatsoever due to what happened with Pedri in 2021

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Spain announced this Wednesday the list of preparation for the Olympic games of Paris with 22 footballers, three of them of the FC Barcelona. On this, the seleccionador olympic Spanish, Santi Denia, signalled that it is the most difficult "list" that has done by the conditionings of age, which allow only three greater of 23 years and with the obligation to deliver a final list of alone 18 players.

"In 14 years that carry here is the most difficult list that have done, by all the conditionings that had. Here they are those that are available and convinced to 100%", signalled in press conference. "The conditionings are that there is a conditioning of age, of number of players, where first it is necessary to give 22 players and after the first trainings, 18. Afterwards, it is a date out of the calendar FIFA and if the foreign clubs do not consider it timely do not yield you to the players", explained.

The Federation has not conditioned with it sucedido with Pedri in 2021

Likewise, the míster avoided 'wet' with the absence of Lamine Yamal, something that the Barça expected to avoid repeat a situation like which sucedió in the summer of 2021 with Pedri, when the Canarian finish playing Eurocopa and Games, almost no rest after a long season with the team culé. Denia ensured that "for the Federation there is not case Pedri" and that that record has "not conditioned them at all" to the hour to do the penultimate list of face to Paris 2024.

"For the Federation there is not case Pedri. Pedri Has to feel very proud to having contested some JJOO in Tokyo, with the medal of silver. To us it has not conditioned us at all. There is not case Pedri", signalled. The trainer of 50 years yes that included to Fermín López and Álex Baena, that are contesting the Eurocopa, but are not being two usual headlines with Luis de la Fuente, as yes the cases of Lamine, the own Pedri or Nico Williams

The two footballers that yes can do 'doublet' this summer

"There has been a lot of dialogue with all the world. Ojalá Avenge with the Eurocopa. All will be happy that they avenge the 15 or 16. But we can not live in hypothesis, our idea is to expect them so that they can contest the Games", explained on Fermín and Baena. Already on the reduction of 22 to 18, Denia commented that "this week is key. It has commanded them a physical work and it is necessary to see them. Here the word polivalencia earns a lot of importance", stood out.

Besides, it signalled that it had liked him can do a longer list. "In April said that it would be well that there were 22 players, as in Tokyo. The decision is not ours, but it is necessary to respect it. It would like us that they went 22, as to all the federations. To day of today is like this", commented. "All the players that have called have been with me, and give him importance to this. With experience in championships of Europe, two players -Eric and Miranda- have played in Olympic games… this experience to the maximum level is very important for us", added.

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