Riqui Puig, during a match with the FC Barcelona in pre-season


POLL: Do you think that Riqui Puig will explode in the Barça under the control of Setién?

Published:17/01/2020 - 13:44h

Updated:17/01/2020 - 13:44h

The arrival of Quique Setién to the bench of the FC Barcelona can be a puff of cool air for several players of the staff culé, in addition to for young promises like Riqui Puig

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Hardly it does some days since it landed in the Camp Nou to be presented like new trainer, but the arrival of Quique Setién already begins to have positive effects in the FC Barcelona. The smiles and the optimism have returned with strength to the trainings, in addition to the illusion for achieving something big this season 2019-20. There is staff for this, and Quique Setién knows it. Therefore it organised this Thursday a dinner of plot with all the players of the first team and some of the players of the filial that participate with frequency in the trainings.

Between them it was Riqui Puig, the big perla of the Barça B that did not have opportunities with Ernesto Valverde this campaign, but that yes could have them with Quique Setién. And you, think that the one of Matadepera will explode under the control of the Cantabrian technician? This same is what ask in the new survey of 'FCBN', with which want to know which is the posture of the barcelonismo on the future of one of the last jewels of The Masia.

THE POLL Do you think that Riqui Puig will explode in the Barça with Setién?

The most likely is that Riqui Puig have minutes of game under the control of Quique Setién in this second half of the season 2019-20. It was summoned or no for the party of this weekend in front of the Granada, seems that the young midfield player yes will go in in the list of players that will travel to Ibiza to contest the dieciseisavos of final of the Glass of Rey.

From here, it will be necessary to see if it goes going in with some regularity, or no, so much in the announcements as in the alignments. The options of our survey are clear: that it explode this same campaign, that do it the following, that Quique Setién do not give him the minutes expected or that, by the contrary, was Riqui Puig the one who do not finish to take advantage of them.

Quique Setién wants to know very what has home

Whatever happens with Riqui Puig, the global vision of Quique Setién always has been the one to take into account to the young values of the quarry in the distinct clubs where has been. In the Real Betis consolidated to future 'cracks' as Fabián Ruiz, whereas in the FC Barcelona expects to give opportunities no only to Riqui Puig, but to other promises like Ronald Araujo, Hill, Carles Pérez or Abel Ruiz.

Precisely these last days has been testing to the most offensive players of the Barça B in the trainings of the first team, to end to find solutions in front of the sensitive drop of Luis Suárez. It is clear that Setién, before valuing future signings in the market, wants to have knowledge on what has home. A form to do the things that, definitely, it is necessary to applaud. No in vain it has been the base of the successes culés in this 21st century.