Luis Suárez, protesting an action during a match of the FC Barcelona


Barcelona fans want Luis Suárez to continue at Barça

Published:1/06/2020 - 19:35h

Updated:1/06/2020 - 19:35h

In the last weeks exist rumours about the hypothetical course of Luis Suárez. In a survey of 'FCBN', the majority of the barcelonistas prefer that it remain

Calendar of FC Barcelona

During the last weeks, the hypothetical course of Luis Suárez in the future has been one of the rumours that have shaken the actuality barcelonista. The Uruguayan has agreement until 2021 with option to automatic renewal by a season more, but in 'FCBN' have wanted to ask to the barcelonismo how many seasons has to be still in the Camp Nou.

Only a 9 percent of the readers think that has to be traspasado this summer, by 79% that thinks that it has to follow already was one (32%), two (29%) or three seasons more (18%). The 12 percent remaining considers that Suárez would have to leave depending on when produce the arrival of his relief generacional, that would be Lautaro Martínez.

To his 33 years, if something has showed the one of Jump along the time that carries in the Camp Nou, from October of 2014, is a total commitment with the team, his mates and the fans. It leaves the skin in each party, independently of his numbers goleadores, and is one of the maximum assistants of the staff each season. Besides, his synergy with Leo Messi is total.

It was when it was, the course of Luis Suárez will leave a big empty in the FC Barcelona no only by what contributes on the terrains of game, but also by his character and chevrons in the changing room. It will be necessary to see if Lautaro -or the leading future centre that land in the club- will be able to compensate what will mean not having to an ariete like the one of Jump, peleón and of sobrado instinct goleador.

The 'signing' of the Barça during the pandemia

In spite of carrying out of fight from mediated of January, when it decided to go through the operating theatre to solve a latent injury, Luis Suárez keeps on being the maximum second goleador of the FC Barcelona this season 2019-20, only surpassed by Leo Messi, and has the ambition to help to the Barça to conquer the doublet of League Santander and Champions League in this final stretch of the course.

The one of Jump accumulates 14 goals -the same that Griezmann- divided in League (11) and Champions (3). It fits to remember also that suffered an injury at the beginning of course, that prevented him surrender to tope from the first parties and that began to raise the criticisms in a sector of the barcelonismo, the one who thinks that the cycle of the charrúa like culé is increasingly near to finish .