SURVEY: Was right Piqué with his last message to the directive?
Published:29/09/2019 - 18:51h
Updated:3/10/2019 - 00:23h
Just after the Getafe-Barça, Gerard Piqué launched a controversial message about the influence of Barça managers in some media. Did he act properly?
"We have to be all together. And when I say together refer me also to the fans and to the managerial board. When there is a person that does not want to anger, there are not fights. We know the club and those that know it, know who writes some articles although no the firm. We do not want to us anger. We expect that any try to cause battles that do not exist and that we do not want to. We want to go out and win. It is necessary to keep the club joined. If no, we will hurt us".
These were the statements of Gerard Hammered that, just after the Getafe-Barça of this Saturday, seeded the surprise in the Spanish press and revealed a schism between the members of the managerial board, headed by Josep Maria Bartomeu, and the heavy weights of the staff culé. It did well I Hammered when airing all this subject of public way? We have wanted to ask after this to our readers in the following survey of 'FCBN':
That the relation between the directive and some players of the Barça is not the best was something that already had rumoreado in diverse sectors of the sportive press. The words of Gerard Hammered, however, gave to know to the fans culé a reality: that there is true anger between the heavy weights of the staff by some harmful articles that, when seeming, would have been promoted purportedly from the Barcelona board.
Along this last week, appeared an article in 'MD' in which it spoke of the can that in theory would have the players in the taking of decisions. It did them culprits in addition to throwing to the press of the trips of the team, to appoint to the substitute of Tito Vilanova, to having taken the decision of not giving interviews, to throw to Pep Safe of the club and, of staggered way, to go asking increases of wage.
A group of indictments that did not happen unobserved for the staff, and that would have caused the apparition of Gerard Hammered to go out in his defence and of his mates. But, it has been hit the central Catalan when making public it? Taking into account that the FC Barcelona achieved this Saturday his first victory to domicile of the season, and practising besides a big game in the second time, the words of the defender cooled the euphoria.
The Barça has to concentrate in the next parties
Of face to the next parties, especially the ones of this week in front of Inter of Milan and Seville, it will be necessary to see if the team is or no concentrated to the one hundred by one hundred in the game and no in external causes like the desvelada by Gerard Hammered. It is not the first touch of attention of the footballer to the high controls of the club, and will not be the last if the player perceives some another gesture that him descontente. Already we know that it treats of a person that does not bite the tongue and that is used to to say what thinks with ease. Perhaps too much? They judge you same in our survey.