OPPORTUNITY: Five possible signings to cost zero
Published:23/09/2019 - 18:18h
Updated:23/09/2019 - 18:18h
Free agents are always great market animators due to the possibility of reaching a completely free team
In the market, can find a lot of players of all type, but there is a species in concrete that calls especially the attention: those that finish agreement. To day of today, several players of important level find without team after not having renew with his already ex clubs, what does that they can negotiate his traspaso to cost zero with the club that want. There are some interesting options.
Ben Arfa
Hatem Ben Arfa is one of the 'perlas' of the market of free agents and, in spite of being a controversial player, his talent is innegable. To his 32 years, is without team and would be an option of quality to reinforce the mediapunta and the sides, since the frank-tunecino is a polyvalent footballer. Risky bet but, if it achieves recover to this player, has qualities to play in any team.
The Italian midfield player had a brilliant career in the Juventus of Turín and, to his 33 years, finds without team after having had a stage in the Zenith of St. Petersburg. It treats of a footballer todoterreno for the medullary, with quality, defensive work and full experience in the elite.
Wilfried Bony
A forward of a very distinct profile to which play at present in the FC Barcelona. The marfileño is a '9' pure of 30 years, with an envidiable physical power and with experience in teams of the size of the Manchester City. Wilfried Bony Is of these ideal footballers to break parties atascados with his capacity goleadora.
It knocks down
In summer, in the FC Barcelona decided that Moussa Wagué had index card of the first team, but by the moment the carrilero Senegalese follows without debuting in official party. Thus, Ignazio Knocks down, that finds without team to his 32 years, appears like option for the right side. During years, was indisputable headline in the Milan, standing out by his physical power and his balance attack-defence.
Gabriel Paletta
After the injury of Samuel Umtiti, the position of head office is one of the most delicate in the FC Barcelona. In these circumstances, find free to Gabriel Paletta, an experienced central Argentinian of 33 years with experience in teams like the Liverpool or the Milan. It is a footballer corpulento and that dominates the aerial game.