Arturo Vidal and Chiellini celebrate a goal of the Chilean


Chiellini's serious accusation to Vidal: "Alcohol was his weak point"

Published:15/05/2020 - 18:12h

Updated:16/05/2020 - 15:17h

Chiellini published his autobiography and in it he told several anecdotes from Arturo Vidal's time at Juventus. The Italian accused the Chilean of having problems with alcohol during his stay in Turin

Calendar of FC Barcelona

Arturo Vidal happened in Turín four years in which it turned into one of the best midfield players of the world. The Chilean did a name in the Juventus and called the attention of many big of Europe that wanted to have him in his team. At the end it was the Bayern of Munich the one who carried it to him in 2015 leaving of this way to the 'Vecchia Signora' without one of his mainstays in the centre of the field. But the reality of the stage of the of Saint Joaquín there, as it has explained Giorgio Chiellini in his autobiography, was not so wonderful.

The already legendary central of the Juve has recognised in this book that Vidal had serious problems with the alcohol during his stay in the Calcium. "The footballer is not a demon or a saint, the distinction that has to do is another, that is to say, between the real and the false. Somebody like Vidal, sometimes, went out and drank more than what would owe, know it all. Can say that the alcohol was a bit his weak point", explained without pelos in the tongue.

In spite of these words, the Italian wanted to leave clear that with this does not look for to put in doubt the quality neither the personality of the Chilean, since it understands that all the world has his weaknesses. "We do not argue the quality, neither the person, by this. The weaknesses are part of the human nature, explain the consequences that can have in a group", commented, referring surely to how influenced the problems of the now Barcelona in the Juve.

Chiellini Wanted to go in in detail and explained some anecdote on the one of Saint Joaquín. It seems that there was some day in which not even it presented to the training by his juergas and others arrived being still under the effects of the alcohol. "The big Arturo, a pair of times to the year, did not present to train. Or if it did it, it arrived saying that it still was very happy, say", remembered.

Anecdotes that do not leave in good place to Vidal

Another of the memories that has the defender on Vidal was in a pre-season in Miami. It seems that the midfield player went of just party the previous night before the last training in American earths and had to go to by him and take him out to rastras of the bed. "We were in Miami the night before the last training before splitting. To the following morning, Arturo was not in sight. It was in the bed and had to throw it by the strength", recognised.

The first minutes of Vidal in this training bothered and a lot to Antonio Conte, that thought in a serious punishment for him, but seems that the one of Saint Joaquín threw of physicist and character and finish running by him and by the rest of his mates. "After ten minutes in which Arturo still seemed drunkard and not even saw to happen the ball, finished the training that ran like a crazy", related. "What want to say him to this person, that between other things brings joy to the group?", matizó, clearing that all had him always in big esteem in spite of his juergas.