Arthur Melo arrived to the FC pertinent Barcelona of the Grémio of Carry Cheerful does a pair of seasons, being a personal bet of the previous technical secretary, Robert Fernández. Since, it has showed to have a profile of game very similar to the that teachs to the youngsters of the Masia from small, although his fault of regularity and continuity have not allowed him settle like titling.

Maybe thus and by the presence of other players of projection in the centre of the field like Frenkie of Jong or Riqui Puig, the Barça does not consider to the Brazilian intocable. In fact, during the last weeks has especulado a lot in the possibility that Arthur leave to the Juventus of Turín in a barter by Miralem Pjanic, midfield player bosnio of the 'Vecchia Signora' that likes in the Camp Nou.

By his part, the Italian team also goes crazy to be able to convince to the mediocentro culé, but every time seems more impossible that this suceda. To his 23 years, Arthur already ensured in reiterated occasions that does not have any intention to change of airs in summer, since it is very happy in the FC Barcelona and wishes to triumph dress of Barcelona in the Camp Nou.

After issuing a communiqué published does some weeks in which it transmitted explicitly his wish to remain , also has gone launching varied 'winks' to the club culé. The last has been a message in Twitter written in Catalan -some time has showed that is studying said language- in which it wrote "demà return the football home" (tomorrow goes back the football home).

The message has a double connotation. The first is that it goes back to reiterate that Barcelona is his house, in addition to showing the illusion for being able to go back to play in the Camp Nou. Second, the fact to having chosen the Catalan for postear the publication since, if it is learning said tongue fluently, is to remain a lot of years in the Barça.

Arthur still can triumph

The style of game of Arthur does him fit very well in the FC Barcelona and the true is that has talent and youth to be important in the next years. This yes, in the short term has to save the obstacle of the competition. Frenkie Of Jong, Ivan Rakitic and Arturo Vidal compete directly with him by a place and the true is that the Dutch seems intocable. Thus, taking advantage of that after the pandemia there are more changes, the Brazilian has to win the right to be followed having minutes.