Bojan Krkić, the one who went player of the FC Barcelona from the season 2007-08 until the 2010-11 and where at present exerts like coordinator of the Area of Football, recently conceded an interview to the media 'SPORT', in which it tackled the importance to manage the career of the young players and how is necessary to take care them in different appearances. Equally, it referred to the cases of two talents stood out of the club culé: Pau Cubarsí and Lamine Yamal.

The exfutbolista of the Barcelona cast spoke on the possible doublet that could 'mark' the '27' and the '33' of the combined Catalan, those who expects are summoned so much for the Olympic games of Paris as for the Eurocopa. Before tackling this subject, shared his opinion on the irruption of these young talents in the first Barcelona team. "See to Pau, to Lamine, to Héctor Fort, to all these boys when they go up and surrender well... Marc Guiu… does not surprise me. Now I am in the Cadet To taking me out the carnet of trainer and see to boys of 15 and 16 years that have a very big talent. As in the Juvenile or the filial. That they debut and they do it well it does not surprise me, but we would not have to us focalizar in the moment in which they are, but in that this moment last a lot of years. It is the aim that have to assume between all", commented.

The "error" that would commit the RFEF if it calls to Cubarsí and to Lamine to the Eurocopa and the Olympic games

After this, if it has centred in the subject of the possible overloads of commitments that could confront both talents culés if they choose to represent to Spain in these two competitions. From his perspective, considers that it would be a little hit decision. "This is the work of the day in day out, especially of management. By part of the trainer and of his 'staff', of the club, of the surroundings, of the agents, the family, of the Federation. For example, this summer have two important events, the Eurocopa and the Olympic games, and would be a big error summon to any of these players for the two competitions", argued.

In this order of ideas, the one of Linyola deepened in his feel about why thinks that a player in this stage of his life would not have to confront such load of commitments. "They are young people and to emotional level have lived important changes in his life from recently time. Go to the absolute is already a success, like playing in the first team of the Barça. And play a Eurocopa or some JJ. OO. Also it is it, but we can not put it everything in a space that consider that it already is very full. For the sake of the player and of the person", esbozó.

How it has to be the management of the career of the young talents culés?

To his time, the exjugador of the Rome stood out the importance to manage properly the career of this type of footballers, recalcando that, in spite of his level of game, keep on being teenage. "Between all have to be conscious of the big wear that supposes after the season, that already involves to play a lot of parties. They are a lot of people in a lot of fields those that have to understand that they are boys, players that are forming , and what it is necessary to try is that they can play a lot of Eurocopas and a lot of Olympic games", limited.

Likewise, the current attendant to give him follow-up to the yielded of the FC Barcelona emphasized how, from his experience, can orient to young players like Pau Cubarsí and Lamine Yamal so that they manage his career of the best possible way. "My paper consists in giving my opinion and do them understand, already was to the players, to the technical body or to the sportive directors, that this is not a subject in which the player have to have the capacity of decision. Participate in a Eurocopa or in the Olympic games is something fantastic, but in the life can not have it everything. We have to do them understand that be in one or another competition already has a big merit and value", reviewed.

They are the RFEF and the FC Barcelona conversing in 'key Lamine and Cubarsí'?

To close the subject, Bojan Krkić revealed that there have been some contacts between the Real Spanish Federation of Football and the Barça. However, it preferred no 'wet' on if these conversations have carried out with the aim to persuade to the federation so that it summon to Cubarsí and Lamine to both competitions. "I know that there have been conversations, but desconozco which is the intention and if already there is final decision", concluded.