Raphinha Has spoken openly on a subject that 'elusive' with more frequency of what would owe: the mental health of the footballers. They are exposed to the criticisms, pressures and a requirement 'overwhelming' that no always is easy to assume or face. In the previous of the dispute of the Glass America, in which it aims to be an important player with Brazil, has reviewed how has affected him this subject and how considered the possibility to leave the football.

In press conference, from Orlando, has confessed that by his mind happened the option to desist and abandon his professional career because it understood that it did not have why confront to so many "mental problems" neither the "gresiones by part of the means or of fans". The presence of his son helped him to centre and choose his priorities. By him it has continued the battle inside the most important sport of the world.

The statements of Raphinha on his mental health

In concrete, Raphinha confessed that "recently I thought in leaving everything by personal and professional problems. I thought in desisting, leave the football, because it did not have need to go through some mental problems or by difficulties and aggressions by part of the means or of fans", before mentioning the important role of his son, Gael, to follow trying compete to the maximum level, with the FC Barcelona and the selection of Brazil.

The attacker confessed that has "a greater strength", that is his son, and that "imagine that a day my son can see me like an inspiration in the football, not being the best of the world, but yes like a reference, this costs a lot", confessing that him ilusiona the possibility to "win titles" with Brazil. In this summer, in the Glass America, has an opportunity of gold.

The most human side of Raphinha

On the other hand, the footballer of 27 years has spoken on the floods that in Rio Big do Sul, in the south of Brazil, and that have left a balance, according to official figures, of 177 died, 39 missing and 2,4 million victims. Confesí That, although "I prefer to help without showing", is doing "all the possible" to help in the middle of the crisis. Beside his woman, Natalia Rodrigues, bought "some ships" and sent "financial help" to help to rescue to kill them during the floods in the month of May. "It is impossible no conmoverse with what is happening there. It is a tragedy that finish devastating almost all a state", said.