De Jong fell in the cheat of Djené: Penalty and goal of Jaime Mata
Published:17/10/2020 - 22:25h
Updated:18/10/2020 - 20:10h
The Dutch midfielder of the FC Barcelona, Frenkie de Jong, contacted mildly with the leg of Djené after arriving late in the interior of the area of Net, and caused a penalty
A day more, Frenkie of Jong was not fine. The Dutch midfield player arrived late in the minute 55, to the hour to defend a long played offensive of the Getafe, and committed an innocent penalti on Djené. The central of the group azulón, experienced and pillo like few, left fall to the flat when noticing the most minimum contact with the leg of Of Jong, the one who seemed arrollarle although the repetition left clear that the contact was slight.
Even so, there was contact and the referee Soto Degree understood that the penalti existed. It did not have any doubt the referee to the hour to signal the maximum penalty, and neither said him the contrary from the VAR. A penalti against of the Barça that fell like a vase of cold water when Jaime Kills, precise, deceived to perfection to Net Walled in the launching from the eleven metres.
"It is penalti of Of Jong to Djené. It is not a penalti very clear neither there is intention of the player of the Barça in demolishing to the of the Getafe, but arrives late and it arrolla. Therefore, it is an action in which it can pitar penalti but in which Of Jong sins of innocent. It does not measure well that the played is in the area and here if there is contact and the rival falls can you pitar penalti", explained in 'MD' the referee's analyst Barrenechea Montero.
On the same line, other analysts expressed in favour of the decision taken by Soto Degree, although the true is that the contact of Of Jong with Djené was very slight, and the exaggeration of the defender of the Getafe contributed to that the referee had fewer doubts of the expected.
Bajón Of performance of Of Jong
It was as it was, what is clear is that this played goes back to leave signalled to Of Jong, the one who already accumulates some weeks in the focus so much in the FC Barcelona as in Holland, by a bajón of performance to the that does not finish to find solution. It will be able to the Dutch midfield player recover his best version along the next weeks? To base of work and something of rest, sure that it will achieve it.
It fits to signal that Of Jong has played it practically everything with the Barça and with Holland in the last months, what does that it was logical that the midfield player, perhaps something fatigado physically, was surrendering to day of today underneath of the expected. To measure that happen the parties, sure that will attain to trace back and give to the team of Koeman the stability that needs in the medullary.