Jules Koundé has showed to be a type of player very particular out of the field. Initiating with his big taste by the fashion, a tendency that leaves in evidence in his arrivals to each party like venue with the FC Barcelona or to the concentrations with France, also adds his preference for leaving reflexive or striking messages in his social networks, once each so much.

In this occasion the current of thought chosen by the central has been with the need to free of the external expectations, trying a more centred approach in put them personal. Koundé Motivates to not following to the other, but to be one same, authentic and faithful to the individual aspirations from his account of X, aiming: "I Know you same at all times and leaves to treat to fit. It cancels the external noise and take into account that the only expectations of which have to concern you are those that establish for you same. I know you, no they", wrote the French.

The reflection seems to be something very frequent in the mind of Koundé

This type of reflections or messages of the French is far to be the first time. His words arrive in a moment in which there is a lot of debate on his position in the field. Although the defence has ensured in a lot of occasions that wants to play of head office, in the best party of the Boat of the season played of right side, by what could understand like a 'dart' to which expect that it follow surrendering in a position that is not his preferred, neither for which was fichado.

The own Xavi remembered that Koundé, to the equal that Araújo, will occupy in the field the position that he decide and can be more positive for the team in this moment, something that besides also him sucede with France. In a similar sense already does some 10 weeks had an even more enigmatic message when quoting to the intellectual American Walter Lippmann, signalling that "where all think the same, anybody thinks a lot".

Koundé, a recognised fanatical of Dragon Ball

Besides, during his process of recovery after an injury of knee this season surprised to many when comparing with the famous animated drawing, Goku. In that moment the defender updated the image of profile of his Instagram with the protagonist of Dragon Ball recovering of a battle, ensuring also that "am thinking already in going back what before but, especially, the best possible", said does almost two months the Frenchman.