Vitor Roque celebrating a goal


Vitor Roque's heartfelt farewell to the Paranaense fans before leaving for Barça

Published:5/12/2023 - 10:12h

Updated:5/12/2023 - 10:12h

Vitor Roque Is to few hours to be announced like the first reinforcement of the Barça in the next market of winter and thus the '9' took advantage of to sack of his current fans

Calendar of FC Barcelona

The FC Barcelona still has not announced of official way the arrival of Vitor Roque in the market of winter, although it already has remained clear this past weekend that the forward already prepares his cases to travel to Spain in the next days. And it is that the Athletico Paranaense spread through his social networks the course of his goleador and from the room of press Xavi, after the victory in front of the Athletic of Madrid, admitted publicly that expects his immediate incorporation.

"Yes, ojalá can come in January", cleared the Barcelona trainer, trusted that the inclusion of the forward in the staff solve one of the evils that atenazan to his team. "We generate occasions, but is missing us effectiveness", explained Xavi. After that also has arrived the message 'official' of the player, sacking of which has been his fans the last almost two years.

Vitor Roque Has done idol in very little time

The international Brazilian appreciated the ovation that devoted him his fans, mentioning that "I will carry to all in my heart by the rest of my life and always will remember the wonderful moments that lived here", stood out Roque. Of equal way did not doubt in appreciating "for doing me a better professional and, especially, for enriching this way that share. An UNTIL PROMPT", wrote Vitor Roque in his account of Instagram.

The farewell besides coincides with an information of 'Sport' in which the newspaper signals that Vitor Roque will not be summoned by his technician to contest the Wednesday (01:30 hours of the Thursday) the meeting that the Athlético Paranaense will contest in Cuiabá and that corresponds to the last day of the Brasileirao 2023. Like this, the forward seems to have remained smart for already travel to the City Condal after some days of rest.

Lewandowski Will receive more support and competition in brief

Thinking in his arrival, and the possibility to play from 1 January, the reality is that right now the Barça misses in Robert Lewandowski, the one who adds only two goals in his last ten parties and whose performance has fallen. The Sunday the Pole had several occasions to redeem against the Athletic, but his fault of tarpaulin prevented a new celebration of the '9', the one who now will have a new footballer to help him, but also a direct competitor in the role of leading centre.

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